Pics of my bike with different backgrounds - Mozambique Solo trip version

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Race Dog
Feb 15, 2011
Reaction score
BMW R1200GS Adventure
Never done a proper RR before, so here goes…

5 to 9 April 2012
Trip from PTA --> Barberton --> Mozambique (Beline) --> Waterval Boven --> Back home to PTA
1500 kms and 5 nights.

It started with first my skydiving buddies and then my Scuba buddies cancelling on me on the last day before the Easter long weekend, leaving me without any plans for the first part of my couple of days off. Staring at a map, I started making plans. I rode the pass from Barberton to Swaziland (Jozefsdal border post) at the end of last year and loved that road, so the plan was to pack my bike Thursday morning and leave directly after work. I should arrive at Barberton before it is too late, camp at the caravan park that Bosparra suggested and then shoot to Swaziland the next morning. I noticed Mozambique is not that far away, so quickly posted a question (Any ideas, anyone?) on the “Planning a Ride” Board on Wednesday night. Thursday came and just before 12, my boss decided to call it a day and chase us all out. Just before shutting down my machine, a reply appears from Dirty Des. Now usually I can’t read his posts, because the avatar distracts me completely, but this looked interesting, so I printed it out, put it in my pocket and proceeded to Barberton.

Leaving the office.


Route for day 1

The non-highway road goes right past my parent’s farm, so knowing I’d be fed, I made a quick pit stop.

First Gravel: Broodsnyersplaas to Hendrina Powerstation.



Leaving Hendrina much later as I had planned (It took some time convincing my mother that I knew exactly what I was going to do and where I was going to this weekend), I now was behind schedule and destined to only get to my campsite in the dark.

Could not resist the random “bospaadjies” still.


Arriving at Barberton at about 19:30, I gave Bosparra (Who I had met on the forum earlier that day in search of camp sites in Barberton) a call and met him for a quick drink.

Several hours later, Bosparra’s family, 4 of their friend and I were having a good kuier!

I never knew just how awesome the Barberton area is. There are very many bospaadjies and lots of interesting places to see. Bosparra told me about a deserted little village nearby that I am going back to check out very soon. I wanted to go explore the next day, but my mind was already set on following Dirty Des’ suggestions into Mozambique. Close to midnight, the restaurant closed and we left for our separate homes. Bosparra however insisted that I give camping a skip for the night and offered that I take a room in their house. (Camping’s fun, but a decent bed is a decent bed!)
The next morning (Friday 6 April) I woke at about 7, greeted Bosparra and his Greek (aka Maria, his wife) and headed North to Kaapmuiden where the road joined the N4 close to the border at Komatipoort.

Route for the day:

It’s a very beautiful view all the way from Barberton to Kaapmuiden

I filled up at Malelane and yes, I paid over freaking R12 for one litre!

I quickly exchanged some cash (3.5 Meticas for a Rand) and got some third party insurance (R80) at the BP as DDes indicated and proceeded to the border post. 15 minutes and no problems, confusion or hassle later, I was in Mos!

The first thing I noticed was all the people! At first I was intimidated by all of them, but I soon realized that most of them were very friendly.

I took the EN4 (tar, obviously) until just past the first toll gate (Moamba) and made sure to keep to the speed limit. I was warned against the officials in Mos by DDes and Bosparras friends the night before, but was stopped only twice. Once to check that I had a licence on the EN4 and later by a lone police officer carrying an AK47 on a gravel road between Sabie and Magude, but he let me drive off, without saying a word. Turning north from the EN4, I entered Moamba, the first village I saw and the first time I really felt that I was now in another country. There is still so much damage from the war. The people are very friendly though, waving and smiling as far as I went. I stopped next to this little church in Moamba to have a quick drink.

From there, I crossed the Komati river and found the gravel road to Sabi. I was concerned that I might get lost with no map or GPS and only DDes’ printed notes, but these were explained so well and there are so few roads to get confused with, that this was never a problem!

Unfortunately, I had such a good time riding that even though I knew I was going to be sad for not taking more pictures, I could not get myself to pull over even for a minute. I was just having too much fun riding. I realized again that this was why I love this GSA. Every bike has it’s strong points. Some handle gravel (ever so slightly) better and some tour highways better, but there is no other bike I would use to do both on the same trip!

Anyways, some pics of the magic gravel road to Xinavane


This railroad bridge in Xinavane is used by traffic from both sides and (I’m guessing) a train. Wonder how they decide who has right of way!

A couple of Kms later I was (sadly) back on a highway. The EN1 this time. There are many villages on this road each with a dedicated speedy holding a camera, so it takes a while to get going! Luckily a only needed to get to Macia and it was only a few kms. From there I turned East and 33 kms later, I was at the Palmeras camp site in Beline, right next to the ocean!



Camping cost R50 for a campsite per day and R45 per person per day, with a max of 4 persons per campsite. I paid with my credit card and this (I saw later) worked out cheaper that paying with my Meticas.
I met a lot of people here (All of them South Africans on Easter holidays) One man gave me a tourist’s map of Mozambique book and I nearly quit my job, so I could keep going! Sitting on my bike reading my TIME magazine by myself at sunset, a man approached me saying this is “sommer kak dat ek so alleen sit” and invited me to come over to their camp site. Before getting a seat, I already had a plate of prawns and two Laurentinas in my hands! Even better was when I met the very friendly 2nd year student girl camping with them! Ended up spending the entire next day (Saturday) with them on their boat and braaing with them the next night again!

I woke up at 6am on Sunday morning and started packing to leave at 7 as I had arrangements to meet friends at Waterval Boven at 12 for some rock climbing.

Out of curiosity I took the EN1 down to Maputu which I would not recommend anyone to do. It is chaos and all the villages on the way, make your average speed fall very low. Luckily a local in a Hilux eventually came speeding past me at about 160km/h, so I just fell in after him and had a quick trip all the way to Maputu.
An uneventfull long stretch of tar to Waterval boven led me here:



The next day I left at about 16:00 for PTA.


I was planning to just take the N4 and get home. 2kms into the N4, the idea of a 5km line of cars all waiting for their turn to pay over R60 each just to use the boring tar did not make my heart jump however, so I took the first turn I could find and ended on a nice little gravel road to Belfast!





Once in Belfast, I was in gravel mode again, so I looked for an alternative route back home. Ended up on a railroad “dienspad” that just stopped on someone’s farm.


I stopped at home just before 20:00 that night, wishing I was only halfway…

It was one of those get-on-the-bike-and-just-go trips, but Dirty Des’ notes made it just that much more comfortable. Thanks a lot! :thumleft: And thanks again to Bosparra too. It’s always good to meet some dogs! My next trip wil be back to Barberton. :thumleft:
Pleasure my friend....hope to meet up again soon :thumleft:
That's it. Wildebees, Wife and me will head that way soon! Drop the kids off at Ouma and klap MOZ!
Baie nice en lekker RR.

Ek self kom nou net terug van 'n Limpopo, Moz en Swaziland trippie.

Die Kragstasie in die agter grond, Hendrina Kragstasie (Pullenshope) is waar ek groot geword het, Laer skool Kragveld en toe HTS Middelburg. Ek het Dec daar deur gery en gaan kyk hoe dit nou daar lyk en kon nie glo dit is dieselfde plek nie nie tog het daar baie memory's op gekom soos ek deur gery het.



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Jakkals said:
Baie nice en lekker RR.

Ek self kom nou net terug van 'n Limpopo, Moz en Swaziland trippie.

Die Kragstasie in die agter grond, Hendrina Kragstasie (Pullenshope) is waar ek groot geword het, Laer skool Kragveld en toe HTS Middelburg. Ek het Dec daar deur gery en gaan kyk hoe dit nou daar lyk en kon nie glo dit is dieselfde plek nie nie tog het daar baie memory's op gekom soos ek deur gery het.
Wow, baie toevallig! En nou sit jy in George! My familie bly nou al 50 jaar in die area. Meeste van ons was in Hendrina laerskool en Hogenhout of Ermelo HS. Hoop jys al besig met jou RR, sal graag lees van jou trip.
GSLaaitie said:
Jakkals said:
Baie nice en lekker RR.

Ek self kom nou net terug van 'n Limpopo, Moz en Swaziland trippie.

Die Kragstasie in die agter grond, Hendrina Kragstasie (Pullenshope) is waar ek groot geword het, Laer skool Kragveld en toe HTS Middelburg. Ek het Dec daar deur gery en gaan kyk hoe dit nou daar lyk en kon nie glo dit is dieselfde plek nie nie tog het daar baie memory's op gekom soos ek deur gery het.
Wow, baie toevallig! En nou sit jy in George! My familie bly nou al 50 jaar in die area. Meeste van ons was in Hendrina laerskool en Hogenhout of Ermelo HS. Hoop jys al besig met jou RR, sal graag lees van jou trip.
Dinge gaan net bietjie dol die kant maar ek sal nog my RR doen.

Ja tye en plekke  verander maar ek moet sê dit was een van die lekkerste en beste omgewings om in groot te word, ek glo nie ek wil op 'n ander plek groot geword het as daar nie.

Daar was 'n boer met die naam van Christie van Wyk wat ook in Broodsnyers plaas se kant geboer het, sy seun Danie van Wyk is my ouderdom en was saam my op Laerskool, ek het baie by hulle op die plaas gekom en daai tyd het hulle ook  vars melk verskaf aan die mense op Pullenshope. Jy weet nie of hulle dalk nog daar is nie ?
Bergklim?!!!!!!!!! :biggrin:
Nee ou bly by bikery dis baie veiliger!! :deal:
Nice RR

PS. I see now why you get distracted by DD's avatar....poor girl battling with that poor quality zip. Ai Tog!
Jakkals said:
GSLaaitie said:
Jakkals said:
Baie nice en lekker RR.

Ek self kom nou net terug van 'n Limpopo, Moz en Swaziland trippie.

Die Kragstasie in die agter grond, Hendrina Kragstasie (Pullenshope) is waar ek groot geword het, Laer skool Kragveld en toe HTS Middelburg. Ek het Dec daar deur gery en gaan kyk hoe dit nou daar lyk en kon nie glo dit is dieselfde plek nie nie tog het daar baie memory's op gekom soos ek deur gery het.
Wow, baie toevallig! En nou sit jy in George! My familie bly nou al 50 jaar in die area. Meeste van ons was in Hendrina laerskool en Hogenhout of Ermelo HS. Hoop jys al besig met jou RR, sal graag lees van jou trip.
Dinge gaan net bietjie dol die kant maar ek sal nog my RR doen.

Ja tye en plekke  verander maar ek moet sê dit was een van die lekkerste en beste omgewings om in groot te word, ek glo nie ek wil op 'n ander plek groot geword het as daar nie.

Daar was 'n boer met die naam van Christie van Wyk wat ook in Broodsnyers plaas se kant geboer het, sy seun Danie van Wyk is my ouderdom en was saam my op Laerskool, ek het baie by hulle op die plaas gekom en daai tyd het hulle ook  vars melk verskaf aan die mense op Pullenshope. Jy weet nie of hulle dalk nog daar is nie ?

Ja, die familie is nog daar. Oom Christie is ongelukkig so 2 jaar terug oorlede en Danie het die boerdery oorgevat.