Posting PIC's on the forum

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Race Dog
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Pretoria East - Home of Jameson
KTM 1090 Adventure R
This is my opinion, but I think a valid one

All too many peeps are posting pics directly on the forum

The limitations are:
a. A max of 5 pics per post
b. Not able to caption / comment on each pic
c. It is eating into the forum storage space big time. Surely at some stage this will end up costing too much ?

This is fine when adding one or two pics to illustrate a point

However, this should be avoided on stories and ride reports. The best ride reports (with sometimes obvious exceptions) do not have pages and pages of text.

The ones that generally enthrall are those with a few sentences and a pic to illustate ... and so on

Rather use an image hosting site such as photobucket
Open an account (It's free) and create sub albums for each set of pic's / reports
Try it, you may battle at first but soon it's really easy

A lot of members do their ride reports in the following way:
Resize your pics (if not captured in the correct size initially)
Open photobucket and upload your pics to a sub album
Once done, minimize the screen
Now open your report in word and minimize
Now open the WD site and start new topic in R. Reports
Copy and paste from word and photobucket as required

Even a loooong report only takes a few minutes to upload to the WD site in this manner

Pics must never be larger than 800 x 600 as well (landscape) and never higher than your screen view in portrait.
Larger pics make the pages load wider and it becomes difficult to read the text (and to see the pic properly)

So there you have it - MAKLIK  ;D ;D ;D