Pretoria east enduro

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shark_za said:
That climb, you drop into the riverbed, turn right, then have to hit the climb turning left?
Yeah, that was tricky to get the speed up, would be hard on a big bike.

More like - approach drop-off too fast, try and brake, see you are not going to make it in time, drop over the edge with eyes closed, sort of crash stop against the opposite bank, park bike and walk to exit climb, get the fright of your life, walk around a bit looking for an alternative exit but can't find one, panic but try and not show DD that you are scared whitless, watch him shoot up the climb no problem, ego takes over so close eyes and nail it, hell no proble. Yeh, that one - or at least thats how if felt for me. I would still love to see a 950 do it :twisted: