Q8 1st ride cut short

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Pack Dog
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
KTM 950 SE
So my mate Q8 finally got himself a dual purpose machineâ?¦Thank you Superjuice.
I wanted to do a Baviaas overnighter for his 1st ride,  but  unfortunately things didnâ??t work out so lekker. So we decided to do a nice trip to Steytlerville and back via Elandsrivier on Saturday after work.
Everything started out fantastic with a lot of excitement in the air when Q8 arrived at my house with his new machine. We were ready to hit the dirt in a big way, armed with 2 bottles of OBs and 1.5l of water in my top box.
Here are some pics of Q with his new bike and us filling up for the trip.


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Basically this is where the shit hit the fan, the chain hit the exhaust and chain guard in its moer and Q8 and I hit the OBs.
Qâ??s bike is fitted with brand new chain & sprockets. The dude that did the fitting(mag hy n gatkramp kry) didnâ??t do such a good job fitting the master link. It came undone at about 115 km/h causing the chain to moer a dent in the 950â??s exhaust and fucking up the chain guard six love. Bless that poor chain guard for paying the ultimate price and saving Qâ??s left calf from being on the â??â??Show me your EINAâ??â?? thread. May it rest in pieces.
To ad insult to injury, one of the bottles of OBâ??s broke and soaked everything in my top box, including my wallet and some documents from work that I forgot to take out.  
Some pics of us stuck on the side of the road. Q shouting at the chain asking it : WHYâ?¦WHY MEâ?¦WHY NOWâ?¦FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK!!!!!!!
And me trying to get the OBâ??s out of my stuff with little success. We also walked the road trying to find the missing link, but unfortunately it did not want to be found.


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aaah.....his first big wallet bleed at he pumps! ;D
Ride safe! :thumleft:
Only thing left to do was to klap some OBs, sit back and enjoy the outdoors while we wait for the rescue bakkie to arrive. But the OBs mustâ??ve given Q a burst of energy and strength as he insisted on pushing his bike homewardsâ?¦ up hill nogal. His logic was that the rescue vehicle would reach us sooner that way. Needless to say he didnâ??t get very far, although my friend Corrie did get to us a whopping 1.2 seconds earlier than what he would have if we stayed where we were. Thanx for your effort there Q.
Boredom eventually set in and Q8 went on to throwing stones at a tin that he placed on an ant hillâ?¦Man he sucked at that.  The Isuzu eventually arrived, we loaded the finaldriveless 950 o the trailer and headed home. We stopped at Uncle Freddieâ??s for a pie and a coke where I gave my bike to Q8 to ride home on, as he live in PE, and Corrie and I were heading for Uitenhage.
Our ride lasted about 30 minutes and we were stranded for about 3 hours. But in spite of  all the kak, we still had a good time and a valuable lesson was learned: ALLWAYS CARRY SPARES WITH YOU.


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2 words for you:


:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I do recall mentioning those exact words..........numerous times........ :laughing4:
Ok I know you shouldnâ??t be laughing at someone elseâ??s um... err.. misfortune, but a good story, liked the 1.2 sec lead attempt  :biggrin: â?? and some nice pics there, especially the shot of the OBS on the topbox  :thumleft: