Rain in the Richtersveld Two.0 - Desolation & Dunes

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Our stomachs full, we headed back to Springbok.

Regrettably we were unable to ride the shipwreck route, a previous group of bikes had gone through and ridden everywhere but in the tracks they were meant to be riding in. No one wanted a repeat of this, despite our impassioned pleas.

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Winding our way towards Wilderperdehoekpas a jeep track leading down towards a river bed poked its head out. This definitely called for an off-piste excursion.


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The twisty river bed was not suited to me, anything under 30km/h in sand is HARD. So when Marc threw his bike down on a tight corner, I omitted to stop and help him up. A transgression I would pay for later.


Craig naturally found a rock to climb.

And when the thorns closed in over the sand a summit conference was called to decide on the best course of action.
