Rietfontein cave & something extra...warning - pic intensive!

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Feb 7, 2006
Reaction score
Honda XL650V Transalp
Wow, what a great ADVENTURE weekend!  ;D
It all started nice and relaxed, with Pad, Dusty and Cassie arriving at the Heatherlands Engen more than an hour early. Slowly the rest of the Dogs arrived, and by 8:50, we were on our way. Past Fancourt and then onto the road to Geelhoutboom - the main farming area in George. We had plenty of time to meet BermRooster and Jack coming from MosselBay, so we first stopped at Witelsrivier for a smoke and drinks break and then further towards 8 Bells, we stopped at the Grootrivier low water bridge (where TR found the octopus!) Then a stop at 8 Bells for breakfast and shortly after we arrived, BR and Jack joined us. Then a leisurely cruise up the Robinson Pass to the turn off to the Paardebont Road, which would eventually lead us to the cave.


The roads throughGeelhoutboom.



First stop at the Witelsrivier.




Above 3 pics - Grootrivier crossing.


Hungry Dogs at 8 Bells


Dusty, Pad, MP, Cassie and Wolweseun.


Iron Horses.


Robinson Pass.


Paardebont Road.


Cassie arriving at the turn-off


Not too far to go.



Berm Rooster and Cassie overshot the farm gate turn off, but after a while they returned. A bit of leg-pulling ensued, as, at the time, Wave Rider was leading as he knew the turn-off. BR came shooting past him, indicating that his left indicator was on and disappeared in a cloud of dust!   ::) WR's indicator WAS on, as THIS was the turn-of!


At the farm gate.


At the farm gate looking back where we had come from.

It was a great ride across the farm on twee spoor with a few rocky and sandy bits, but nothing daunting at all. Then the track got REALLY rocky and we arrived at the off-camber right hand bend where the steep part started. Really loose rocks of all sizes that offered NO traction at all and so the fun began.  :eek: Some made it up unaided (including me),   :D but the for the bigger bikes and those with more road-biased tyres, it was a case of pushing and helping each other up. Eventually we all made it to the top - hot, sweaty and exhausted but all in one piece!  :thumleft:


Stopping before the "bad bit".


Doing my best to show the stones and gradient.


At the top!

Quite a few of the group had opted to put their luggage on the back of the bakkie, but I carried mine with me and began the process of unloading and carrying the luggage down to the cave. Man, what a stunning setting! The Bushmen who lived here 100's of years ago picked a stunning spot. Picked my spot (being considerate, I placed myself right at the entrance to the cave, away from almost everyone else) -  this however, didn't work out the way it was meant too!   ;) Those dogs that were too lazy   ;), slung a rope over the ledge at the top and lowered their topboxes/luggage to outside the cave entrance. Some were impatient and just chucked various items over the edge, with some amusing results!  ;D Eventually we were all settled in and began enjoying a couple of cold ones.  :thumleft:


Jack ensuring the cooler box arrives safely!



Some Dogs were more carefree and less accurate!  ;D



Aaah...home at last.


Where the main Bushmen sleep!


My spot.


Loo with a view!

To be continued...

Great pic's Mike and another excellent trip  :thumleft: Thanks Boet
Part 2.

Around 4 o'clock, WaveRider suggested we go on a nice tweespoor down to the river - about 5 or so km's away. So WaveRider, BermRooster, Cassie, MP, and myself set off. BermRooster was leading and where we were meant to go straight he went left. Instead of waiting, WaveRider followed him and so did the rest of us. THIS is where the adventure began! Tweespoor, loose rocks, a bit of sand, single track and then just bush! We were forced to stop at the top of a hill with the river nowhere in sight. We turned around and started making our way back.


Some nice tweespoor.


Stopping for a break.


WaveRider sporting the latest in fashionable ATGATT!  ;D


It can't be that much further...


Yip, I'm pretty sure we've just run out of track!


The intrepid explorers.


On the way back.

MP was leading on the DR (that guy can ride) with BermRooster following and then the rest of us. On the way there, there were a number of gates which we opened and closed like responsible DS riders should.  ;) We got to the first gate which was closed, which we thought strange as we didn't think that MP had ridden so fast that he had got to the gate, opened it, ridden through and then closed it after him. We reasoned that if he had gone through, surely he would have left it open for the last rider to close. When we turned at the top of the hill, there was no really clear path, just broken bushes sort of indicating the track - had MP accidentally set of on another path? - there was no sure way to tell. So Wave Rider and myself double back to the top of a rise and see if we can see him - no lights, no engine noise, nada. It's now twilight so we decide that WaveRider will stay at the top of the hill, I ride back to BermRooster and Cassie and ask BR to ride back to the cave and see if MP's there. If he is, to call WaveRider at the top of the hill and let him know. Around 6:15, Cassie and I see WaveRiders lights go on and he comes back down the hill. MP's at the cave - he was just really thirsty!  ;D So the 3 of us set off back to the cave and get there around 6:50 - just after the sun has set! Man, was I tired, it was the longest 22km I have ever ridden! - seldom has an ice cold Amstel tasted as good! MP apologised for his slip of "riding etiquette" - but hey, no harm was done and everyone was safe. And besides, it's these sort of "unplanned adventures" that adds to the joy and excitement  of DS riding - none of us will ever forget that ride!


The gate where Cassie and I waited.
In the background is the hill where WaveRider was stationed.


All's well! Waverider coming back.


The sun setting behind us.


Not too far too go now...


What a welcome sight!

While the 5 of us were improving on our riding skills, Pad had put together the most amazing Cape Maly curry - lamb from his farm plus a bit of Blesbok. The man even brought along fresh Coriander - is that classy or what!  After nearly 3 and a half hours, (I was starving) it was eventually ready. It was DEFINITELY worth waiting for!!! Thanks Pad for your generosity and the work you put into that truly delicious meal!  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Cassie kept us well entertained once again (that guy must eat Energisers - he NEVER stops!) I crawled into my bag around 10:30 hoping that the afternoon's exertions would see me falling asleep quite soon, but there was quite a lot of karkpraat around the fire till quite late( did I really here someone say that the next time we bring a generator and LCD TV with???)
Within 10 minutes of everyone going to bed, the circus began. The main act was the lion, who must have been seriously pissed off, because he really let rip the WHOLE night!  >:D ;) Backing him up was a buffalo and hippo with a couple of warthog completed the act! Pad got up at 6 o'clock - that is when I fell asleep!  ::)


Happy Dogs around the fire.


A curry of note!


This one should be scratch and sniff!

In the morning, I shot some of the rock paintings.

A herd of elephant.


Two figures at the top. I've never seen spots in Bushman paintings before  ???

We started packing up slowly and psyched ourselves up for the ride down the tricy section of the track. BermRooster styled down it like a pro with the rest of us paddling or walking the bikes down - definitely the best option if you didn't want to drop it. At the man farm track we split with the PE Dogs going back via the Langkloof, BR to Mossel Bay and the rest of us to George.MP had puncture problems, but Tyre seal and a compressor sorted him out with air top-ups along the way.



Heading towards the tar.


Onto the tar that would take us to Oudtshoorn.


The Perdeberg Road.
I want to find out what that stone wall on the other side is - is it part of the old road between George and Oudtshoorn, or could it be a water pipeline?


Just before the climb up the Montague Pass.


Final stop for the trip.

Thanks to everyone once again for a GREAT trip.  :thumleft:

Very nice RR LGF ! Now I am really depressed I didn't come , and PAD that curry looked flippen great  :drif: I'm drooling so much I have given myself heartburn !
Flippen lekker report LGF! :thumleft:

Thanks also to to TR for putting me on the list and WR who did all the organising and making sure we left the place in such a way that we would be welcomed back in the future.

Lastly, I took some wrong turns and overshot gates, my apologies for the wait you guys had to endure on my account.

This was a very lekker and memorable trip!
Lekker RR

Jammer ek dit gemis. Sal weer so iets moet doen. :mwink:
Dang Roost. You all over the place. And these rides all under our noses. (Big J to lazy to log in)  :bueller:
LGF Baie mooi photos and baie lekker ride report
Thanks for the salf for my kuite that went styf during the 5km enduro run
Oom LGF kan ry jong!
He gave me some good riding tips.
Baie dankie oom LGF dit was moerse lekker om saam met oom te kuier
Cool ride , I think the TA would have walked the route thanks for sharing.  :thumleft:
Nice report and seems like you guys had fun.

Can anyone go to the cave or is it a private venue? My family and I (wife and small kids) will be in the area over new year and we are looking for places to visit and 'sleepout'.