Roof Run `10

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Bachelor Dog
WD Supporter
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Honda XR650L
I simply added pics to my Planning a ride thread - its here
I am sure I saw Edgy on TV helping the riders. Short pants a beer near at hand  ;D
Day 1

We got up far to early, and god knows I need my beauty sleep. My camera stayed tucked away until we crossed over into Lesotho. On the trip up we went through the normal weather changes from mist and rain in the morning to HOT as HELL in Matatiele. The route we took was recommended by SGB as a must do and seeing that none of us had travelled these paths before we had to go and explore and hopefully have a adventure in the process. (There is a little boy left in all of us.)

As I said it was hot and a route was taking us up through Ramatseliso gate to the rangers station. This posed a major problem for all of us (mainly Edgy) NO COLD BEERS The problem seemed to be solved by us opting to drink whiskey for the night (Whiskey with no ice Edgy's response NO WAY's). Edgy said the problem would solve its self in Matat. It did. It was so hot everyone over bought and I came up with the idea that if the ATG bag from Mignus was water and dust proof it could therefore be used as a coolery box. So out came my luggage and was jammed in elsware and a case and a half of beers was collected and 3 bags of ice was stuffed into the coolery. We left Matat and headed north up the pass to Ramatseliso gate. When adding all this weight to my bike I had no idea that it would act as a drunken pillion making the ride to the ranger station very interesting. All of us and more importantly the beers got there safe and sound.

Before getting to Matat Great Dane's bike started giving problems. Losing power. He filled up and it seemed as if the problem had disappeared little did we know that the problem was just waiting for a better time to cause some head scratching.

The accommodation and scenery was great.


And after stripping and fixing (I hoped) the KTM. We got down to more important things like braaing and celebrating our freedom from the commercial jungle.

Fun was had by all.

Food was great.

And desert was even better even though we were rationed.

Those that snored slept. Those that didn't didn't.
Day 2

We were looking forward to today. We were not even 10 km into the ride and this was the next 5KM. WOW.

Once we were at the top we could look back and see yesterday

And some of today lay at our feet with the Senqu in the distance.

This is the stream we followed

to the banks of the Senqu

From here was some great riding and much effort was put in to keep the KTM's wheels turning.

After hours on the road we turned of onto the old chiefs road. We had planned to be here at about 13h00 but with all the delays it was 15h00 and my GPS was showing a ETA of 01h00 tomorrow at our destination Katse needless to say I was worried. I did not tell anyone as I wanted to do this route even if it meant we had to sleep in the bush. This route is the hidden gem of  Lesotho.

It started getting technical and the worst sections never got photographed. I want to do this route again but slower. We were late going in and we did not know what to expect in the kilo's to come. So delays were kept to a minimum and thankfully it had got cooler and the KTM's wheels kept turning but now it had broken its subframe.

There are locals everywhere. Some where cute and others not.

Just after talking to this old man who was surprisingly well spoken. We had to cross two rivers and then the heavens opened. Can you believe it it was hailing this is all we need. Running late with a ETA  now down to 21h00 we were soaked to the bone.

We waited it out and proceeded slowly in Lesotho's black mud. It dried out quickly and after Big Dom had a big off we came to better roads and the end was in sight.

We pulled into Katse wet, tired and starved at 18h30. Over 12 hours in the saddle.

It did not take us long and we were showered and drinking pale ale. The waiter soon realized that the Buffet was not going to satisfy us and he added steak in at the same price. Tummy;s full eyes shut. A easy ride to Ramabanta was on tomorrow's agenda but thats not important the sand man is calling.
Hey TJ - good to see finally getting it together!  :biggrin:  Not sure about the BiG DoM "big off" ... more like an unfortunate slow tip over due to no stable footing  ??? But then you did not see it so will allow the artistic license.  :D
With Big Dom it is always a spectacular event. :biggrin:

Yes I must admit I do always make a spectacle of myself  :ricky:
Day 3

After a good breakfast and some photo's of Katse we were on the road again.

This Lesotho cactus (the non smoking kind) caught my attention.

As did this 4X4

From Katse we met the main road to Roma at Thaba Tseka, here Great Dane noticed he had a puncture. He must have picked up the only six inch nail on the road and shredded his tube. After fixing this  the plan was to get fuel here, the problem is firstly they said they had none and secondly they had no electricity so we had no choice but to push on. If you ask anyone who has ridden the road between Sehonghong and Roma they will tell you it is one constant pass some of it gravel and some tar I still excited thinking about all those corners on the tar WOW. Eventually coming round one of the corners just before the Mantsonyane river we came across the fuel bowser making its way towards Thaba Tseka. So the next town should have fuel. When we got to Mantsonyane they had just got LRP and no unleaded, we had little choice and got into the queue to filled up. 

This is Mantsonyane's main street we could buy braai meat on the left and Coke and bears on our right. This is also the town were the road splits of to Semokong we have space banked that route for the future as we are told it can be a handful

I stopped to take a photo of Mohale dam and to my left stood a bike rider I gave him a friendly wave took my photo this photo and was on my way.

At the bottom of the hill Edgy's worms were biting and he stopped at the trading store. We all started gathering and to our surprise we heard another bike coming down the hill going far too fast. We had a perfect view of the corner leading up to our hairpin and low and behold here comes the lone biker power sliding his bike at break neck speeds through the corners. Some of us wanted to dive for cover. He went past us then turned around to say hello (very proud of himself I must say). He joined us for lunch, it turns out that his kit and bike are donated by Martin and the boys from Red Cherry adventures (good on ya). His job is a runner for the clinics in the area between Maseru and Thaba Tseka. He does the trip twice a day and it shows, this man corners better than all of us we witnessed him touching his foot pegs on some corners. Some of us refuse to admit that this man can  ride better than all of us. We could only pull away from him due to the extra power our bikes have. It was quite funny riding behind him with his unique riding style (leaning far forward with his head spinning like a owl on crack ).

This is the man his bike and our lunch.

There was a big storm coming, we gulped down the last of the coke and headed out. Luckily for us the storm went up the one valley while we went up the next. Just before the Bushman’s neck pass we waved goodbye to the Lone Ranger and turned off to the left on a little short cut to Ramabanta. This includes a water crossing.

Little did we know but the storm that missed us had just gone through this valley and as we got close to the water crossing it got slippery very slippery.

I nearly fell coming down the road towards the river I came over the rise on dry ground to a rutted muddy section needless to say I was all legs and arms. Man the Lesotho mud is bad. Once we were all through the river we had a mild uphill to contend with I was one of the lucky ones some of us ended up in the field and Big Dom went down again. Those lucky few that got out upright did not do so easy, check the tracks in from of  Big Dom.

From here it was a hop skip and a jump and we were at our home base for the next 5 days. From here for the next few days we followed the Roof it as always was great as it always is. The one day three of us went to the Semokong falls ( Maletsunyane falls).

A great bunch of guys and a iconic ride.

A true adventure.

On a sad note I came across this caged bearded vulture the lady at the hut spoke fluent English until I enquired what they were doing with the bird. Like wild dogs they need to be free.

Thanks to all that made this ride possible and a special thanks to SGB and Glenn from Malealea for their assistance in info and accommodation. Sorry this took so long, Grahamstown Greyhounds but I came back to a very busy business and laptop that decided to crash with all my info on.
Shot TJ - was a jorl of note.  I will not forget this trip (what you thinking Edgy?).
Good meeting you guys................... see you same place, same time  next year.
BiG DoM said:
Shot TJ - was a jorl of note.  I will not forget this trip (what you thinking Edgy?).
Just took so long! :biggrin:
The Badger said:
Good meeting you guys................... see you same place, same time  next year.
Exzacaly! :thumleft:
Nice route that guys.........Thanks for the RR.

Good meeting everyone.....See you same place, same time next year. :thumleft: