Sabie Challenge ;The Silly`s break bones, routes,camera`s,BUT survive !!!!

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Race Dog
Jan 4, 2007
Reaction score
BMW F650GS / Dakar
to that guys that sent mail and phoned thanks.
so the short story so far, the sabie challenge arrived at last, what a great event. i was on the green route with my wife silly b on her dakar and my brother iron bru and his wife on his dakar. luckilky a chap by the name of peter decided to ride with us, thanks to peter we got out of the ravine. but wait i`m getting ahead [i wish] anyway we were cruising along ,the route was spectacular, more red than green but brilliant, no long graded roads, just tracks in the forest with huge dangerous bike eating drop offs on the side [ insert jaws music here].
so i was going ahead taking pix and generally going way to fast, playing the arse and sliding the bike and doing a few wheelies while i waited for the others to catch up.
after setting up a few shots i zooted in front, passing my wife silly b i turned to her and shouted that i will scout up front for a good spot, yep, i found one !!! [jaws music again]
as i opened the throttle all the way and turned back to the road i saw a huge mound of clay like sand/mud it was all over the place but this one was in the wrong place. i was pinned in second, if i hit it i would go summer-saulting [spelling?] and end up splatting into the mountain face on the right !
i had a nano second to decide, .......i went left, what i thought was a grassy verge was actually the top of the tree`s from the mountain side below..................[insert wimpy lyrics here;ooh ooh we`re in trouble !!!!]
as the bike went airborne  i started to scream like a 12 year old girl ! [so my wife say`s] i hit the sapling`s like a turkey thrown from a helicopter, when my eyes opened i could see a little white light...........and feel a shit load of pain.......i could hear my bike idling somewhere and sillyb screaming my name .
the little white light wasnt the big guy at all but my helmet had gone skew and covered my eyes, a huge stump had smashed into my back and caught me from rolling further down the embankment.
the sapling`s which stood about 4 metres high had caught my dakkie and exploded in broken branches , the result was that my dakkie had landed gently on the edge of the ravine with the rear wheel still turning and the gps telling me that i should make a u turn !!!
in the meantine while i had being flying and checking out the scenery silly b had watched all of this in horror, in a frantic bid to save her "ultimate fantasy" she had slammed her bike into first , jammed on both brakes and thrown her bike down, not even switching it off or stopping completely. the result was that the handlebar came down hard on her boots breaking two bones in the arch of her foot. she cared not a jot. launching over the ravine she tumbled down to find me and my beloved dakkie.
what a woman ...........[insert aaahhhss here]
dazed and confused along with hurt and painfull we climbed up the side where new found friend peter was able to literally pull us to safety........
iron bru ,skills challenge, me on the dakkie and others.


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Hehehe SS I am going to change your nick to Cliffhanger, you heff zis propensity for shumping off da edge of mountains ja!!!!

Send SillyB my best wishes, hope you get unsore quick like....and thanks once again for coming to the event!!!!!!
so the story so far.......
myself and sillyb were getting pulled to safety by new guy peter..............
once we were on level ground the pain hit me,i couldnt walk as my body had gone into spasms. silly b was limping badly and had no idea that her right foot was smashed in her boot.
at this point the cavalry arrived..[bugle playing] a group of ten riders from bloem, potch and klerksdorp rode up, they had gotten lost and were way behind, after they recovered from what they were seeing they got out tow ropes.
iron bru climbed down to where the dakkie was and strapped the rear wheel.
the ten guys then heaved the dakkie up a foot at a time, it was absolutely amazing, my bike was being saved !!
as it started to come up over the edge i almost shed a tear,i was so happy....
to all those guys a big thank you, i did have it announced at the prize giving and they did recieve a little gift and a big round of applause but from me once again, thanks guys. i hope you enjoy the hundreds of pix you took at the scene,please share them .
to cut a very long story short, we got back to camp, i took pain tablets and completed my round i the finals at the skills challenge but ended up in 4th place,very dissapointing ,but i was just completely out of it , my body was on fire and even the little ag 175 we had to ride was too much bike for me.
silly b gets the foot operation on wednesday............till next time.


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last pix, i still tried to impress the crowd !!!
and all smiles, sillyb with smashed right foot and me with bruised body, we are so high high on pain tablets that we could have won a bar fight!
congrats to warren on winning the skills challenge and the biggest trophy i have ever seen!!!!!


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.Yip my ….ultimate fantasy.. Disappearing in front of me... scary..very scary shit
You sure have the best  guardian angle Silly... for the second time
Absolute over the hill ...ha ha...over the moon.. Ok don’t try that one... thrilled when I saw you and then our beloved D'Kar,  pulled up and out alive with limited damage.  
Must have been some awesome riding apart from the mishaps, and very glad you and SB survived though.

And SS what is it about the edge of a drop-off that attracts you?!!! isn't this the second time?
Wow, I am sure that this stunt will be held against you for some time to come.  Wish all the bones a quick recovery and trust that the marriage would not be too dented either.  :bueller:
Yes you one lucky guy SS - and the Dakkie looks ok considering where it had been.
Gravity's a bitch.

Fark SillyS it's all downhill for you..... :biggrin: :biggrin:

Jeez, it's good to hear you did not endup in hospital this time around.

Heal well, good luck with the op SillyB.

Nice pics, thanx for sharing.
dont you just love this game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well done,,,,,on a interesting rr that is

and to wifey,,,,,,,,,aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Sheesh you silly buggers put the adventure in the riding, ne?!  Congrats on the 4th, well done under circs.  SB, hope that foot comes right quickly!
Ouch ??? S and B. Whats up lately. Dogs crashing--breaking themselves etc--etc :eek:

Just very glad to hear the two of you are Ok and nothing that will not heal with time :thumleft: Maybe SS ego will take a bit longer :peepwall: