saterdag en sondag middag lekker quicky trip op grondpaaie in george

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Race Dog
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Kawasaki KLX 400SR
Ek ry elke saterdag en sondag bike om myself net te leer oefen op my Yamaha XTZ 125
Ek ry gewoonlik so drie roetes net om my bike te toets en te sien waartoe my bike in staat is.  Ek ry gewoonlik geelhoutboom-botlierskop-brandwag.  by brandwag se kruispad waar die grondpad met die teer pad ontmoet draai ek om.
Ek ry montagu pas deur na dysselsdorp maar wil graag oudemeragie pad weer ry maar kan nie alleen ry nie en soek lekker mense om saam te ry.  Ek ry ook gereeld saasveld pas deur Karatara tot by phantom pass voordat jy in knysna kry.
ja....i got the bike with 3 000KM on the clock late sept and it is now at 10 000KM after 3.5 months.  i wish i could ride during week days aswell.  but i don't have a bikers license and no roadworthy bike so i have to keep a low profile during the week
edgy said:
You gotta be shitting me......?

Have to look out for this one! :pot:

Come intro yourself at drinks Friday  :ricky:
Why do we need Fugly?  Cassie did do an intro ... or are you thinking about something more devious, like that there is a troll sneaking around (must admit the signs are there).
Well we all know what he's capable of. ;-)

Well cassie, hope you have loads of fun here and don't let the boys get you down.
cool.  is it again at bosvark?  it think i saw you there with trailrider the friday after he came back from the hell with the woman who bought his bike
don't worry firecoast. We all must start at rock bottom to be a master of what you want to become.  i went with my 125 from George to Prins albert with big bikes.  I came at the garage where they've all met on the sunday morning and i went to the tour leader and asked him i can can try to ride along.  they must not worry if i can't keep up because i only have 125cc.  Eventually i ended up with the group at Prins Albert.  For some wonder reason the 125 stayed in the pack all the way.  it turned out to be a unbelievable experience...
Not worried. Happy to have another girl on the team. ;-)
Watty said:
Why do we need Fugly?  Cassie did do an intro ...

Indeed he did. I can vouch that this young man is a real member who has been on rides with us.


Ride Report here.

Maybe a mod could move the thread to the "Planning" board?
Huh? Young man? I said it's nice to have a girl on the team and cassie agreed. My apologies then.
oeps i was mistaken for a girl.  i think i need to change my wildhog name to something more butch
Hi trialrider
Ek het nou die naweek oppad Dysselsdorp toe afgedraai na oudshoorn.  Ek het so toring gesien op 'n hoë koppie en het toe by hek gekom.  Was jy al op die pad na die toring toe gewees.  Ken jy iemand dalk met 'n sleutel. 
cassiebotha said:
oeps i was mistaken for a girl.  i think i need to change my wildhog name to something more butch

CAS botha sal miskien ons klomp minder confuse hehehehe