Saturday short 200km run - Feat KLE500-950ADV-640ADV

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Race Dog
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
So there i was , fighting to keep the bike upright on a dirt road doing 70kph .. nothing more nothing less.

The loose gravel and sand has been pushed either way, i keep telling myself... Hou vas .. of jy gan jou gat los val. Luckily my guardian angel was keeping an eye on me, every time my front lost or seemed to lose traction when i hit the bit of loose gravelsand on the road it just miraculously stayed upright.

So we met at Richwood total around 9am, we set off towards durbanville hills , hitting our first bit of gravel about 11km in the road, i was sitting happily on the nice compact road @ around 120kph still weaving around abit ( back tire is a slick and the front well.. is only marginally better) we hit the 1st t junction and the bike over jumps the landing spot , but i made my turn.. on the tar road by this time.. actually.

We head off to some SARS roads on our way to kalbaskraal and i remember alex telling my , the road gets abit sandy but its okay...  (err sandy? My tires has done roughly 10 000km and were doing sandy?) as im iding at about 90kph.. both KTMs left me for dead,  i notice the texture of the road changed ... OH bliksem... quick quick STAAN OP! AQAUPLANE wobble wobble *OPEN THROTTLE NOW* seemed to keep me above it ...  Yes again both alex and eben waited for me( thank you) and we hit the railway roads to Riverlands via kalbaskraal ...  i did not have much trouble on that little piece and it went smootly .. i think there was some thick sand awaiting in a nice ditch that a bakkie or something made (thank you doos, nearly lost it there)

we went through kalbaskraal and rode to riverlands/chatsworth and camelman showed us another route via a farm that we could not take due to the farmer or something .. actually im sure he meant, THE KLE will never make it :)

we went hopped back onto the rail way road and this was by far the most technical part of the trip, while the ktm's were probably doing around 120kph , i could not go above 80kph, over that the bike would dance around like Michael jackson back in the 80s...

I vaguely remember a bend with a moerse amount of sand waiting for me and all i did was kick out my legs and hope i dont send this un insured bike down ... yes i survived cos somewhere between the kicking of the legs something told me , WTF u doing, stand and open the throttle,.... Okay yes i did that but not much happened ... the 33 bph just gave abit of revs and sounded pretty sad but it got me out of it.

we passed the darling golf course and the road got more fun there , open compact and a couple of dips or so, Yes the KLE HAS ZERO TRAVEL with me on board , i bottomed out the suspension 3 times , and bashed the bash plate more then a can remember. I also lost my numberplate... ( okay i found it again too )

We chilled for abit and went onto darlings dirtroad to malmesbury ... this bring me back to the 1st paragraph... please read again...

So im riding on this  bike, bald back tire (not even street legal) and a front tire thats more road orientated on this gravel road, im wresling this girl and every now and then she responds with a , okay its fine sit down steve...  so i do , cos by now ive been standing for probably 15 minutes @ 80kph and my legs are getting sore now ( btw im 1.94) so im sitting and wobble wobble ... ag nee man donner .... back up again.... thinking this is probably the safest thing to do and i continue to just look ahead and avoid all the loose spots ( daar was donners baie)  for a while both Eben and Alex were behind me - doing 80kph , and yes i knew it would not be that long and the flew past me again , the 640 kicks dust up like you would not believe!!  so i look for a dust trail and i dont even see that.. ja nee they are long gone, couple of minutes further they are waiting for me and yes i bitch moan and complain, want ek wil die bike brand!  i just want tar , no more of this loose gravel bullshiiiii on bald tires...

Alex says dont worry , tar road ahead , 3km .... i celebrate in my head with beers and girls with  wet tshirts going wild .. okay not so bad but you get the point.. i hit the gravel thinking the sooner i get this over with the better... let me tell you , it was the longest 3km of my life ...

we got to the Tjunction and headed back to malmesbury , where we sent eben around riebeek to wellington and me and alex cruised the tar back to ct.

Mind you the wind was gaga but the KLE did manage to occasionally run 160kph with me (120kg) on into a headwind, so yes ...

moral of the story ....

If you want to do wild things ,,,, dont do it on a bald tires .. or a KLE for that matter..

actually the KLE is fine , if you doing things at moderate pace the kle is okay , not the best , but there is probably worse *kymco/Zongshen/loncin* comes to mind

The KLE surprised me alot , its not a bike that most people will take along with 2 katooms (950/640) but the little KLE handled and behaved itself... i probably rode the bike to more of its limits then most people will ever take their KLE.

I roughly averaged around 20 km/l , including almost full throttle the whole way from Malmesbury to TableView and this into a head wind.

Well impressed.

add some pics later , not much but some .
Ai Steve!

You're writing is brilliant man, brilliant I say!!  ;D

Here's my side to the story:

It was Friday late-afternoon and I was sitting in front of the telly. My wife was watching the mindless crap namely Egoli, and 7de Laan, and I was trawling the net on my week old Asus eeepc. On the Asus eeepc.

The bloody thing is as big as a A5 notebook and I managed to load Windows XP Professional on it. So browsing has taken on a new meaning for me. Where I normally had a stack of bike, science, computer and map books in a basket next to the 'throne' ;D,  I just take the small notebook with. (And NO, i'm married for under 2 years, I don't need to browse 'that'! ;D ;D

Sorry. Back to the topic. Yes, I was bored silly. So I trawl the wilddog, and lo and behold. Steve and Eben wants a tour guide. So with a meaningfull look in my eyes, and a whimper to my wife, she says cool. You need to get out. I say: 'Yes please'. I immediately contact Eben, and its set up.

I rocked up in Richwood and checked my watch, it was 08:55. I thought damn, these bros are gonna drop me. While trying to convince one of the garage employees that my Katoom needs a vacuum cleaning,  they arrived.

Now. If you've ever seen XXX sitting on the KTM990, and the KTM looks like a poeggie, then you must see Steve on the KLE. Steve is as big as XXX, and basically had to wrap himself around the KLE to fit. When I saw the state of the KLE's tyres, I called Eben aside, and asked if it was a good idea to do the route I had in mind. Eben assured me that Steve was a capable rider. So that was that. Settled.

Eben was mounted on a KTM640 Adventure, and had the KTM grin stuck to his face. This grin would not let up the rest of the day!  ;D

We left at 09:10, and headed the normal route to the Eskom Wind Towers. On the tar, 2 km before the Occudale turn-off, I saw the other two riders pull over. I made a u-turn and found Steve lifting the top-box an the KLE. seems the man bolts and come loose, and the the top-box was gonna fall off soon. As cable ties are a standard item in my toolkit, we tied it down with a couple and moved on.

Occudale road, was occudale road. You do 160km/h, broadslide around the bends and always arrive with a smile at the t-junction. Steve almost avershot the stop, and stopped on the opposite side of the tar road. That rear tyre was a slick!

Steve and Eben exiting the Occadale road:


We took the railway service road to Kalbaskraal, and found a gate where there were'nt one 2 weeks ago. We managed to squeeze passed on the railway side. A quick stop on the Kalbaskraal end of the service road, found the top-box loose again on the KLE. I removed one of the tie-downs I use for my tyre-leavers and we tied the top-box down with it. That would do the trick, as we did'nt have any problems with that top-box for the rest of the ride.

I then took them around Chatsworth and almost got stuck in the sand again. This time I just opened the throttle and hanged on. I could see Steve and Eben also having a difficult time in my rear-view mirrors.

Back to the railway service road. We followed that till Darling. I mangaged to get some good air, and as Eben said, some good pics good have been had. Eben stuck to my tail like glue and we moved over those sand, rocks, massive holes and ruts with reckless abandon.  ;D

After 20 minutes we arrived in Darling.

Steve arriving in Darling on the KLE500:


Eben had a grin biger than this:  ;D. He throughly enjoyed the KTM 640.

Steve arrived soon after. He had manged to ride the KLE all the way, without putting it down once, with only a bruise on his ankle and a missing numberplate to show. He drove back 200m and found the numberplate, which promptly went into the top-box.

Steve and Eben at the Darling Train Station:
Note the missing numberplate on the KLE.


Steve turned around, and 200m back found his numberplate.


Steve was g@tvol for the slick rear tyre. I could'nt blame him. Not many riders would have done that stretch of road with a slick on the rear and a road orintated front tyre, damage free. And that on a KLE as well. Lots of respect bru! So we headed for Malmesbury. The road was sandy at places and was generally in a bad condition. We were doing 80km/h with Steve in the front and me sweeping. I could'nt get up to 3rd gear. Tank was whispering: 'Ride me bl!ksem, ride me!' So I listened, and found the road much better at 140!  ;D

If I thought Eben's smile could not be bigger, I was mistaken. He smiled like a idiot when we reached a split in the road and waited for Steve. Steve was exhausted when he reached us. He had been fighting the bike for way too long. I assured him the tar road was only 3km ahead, where after Eben and I raced ahead again.

Back on tar we heade for Malmesbury. We had a bit of a head wind and I could see Eben's head buffeting at 140km/h.

Steve going flat out on the KLE:


At Malmesbury, we split up. Steve wanted to do some more riding, and headed off towards Riebeeck-Wes. Steve and I headed home, the KLE managing to keep up a steady 140km/h.

It was a lekker quick morning ride. I had had a great ride with Eben and Steve, and will do it again. Thanks guys!
more more more

Great reports guys i had lots of fun ended up doing 400km doing a loop around Paarl, Franschoek and Somerset too much tar thought, must get a friken GPS and do some exploring that way.
Eben, Happy om jou te sien, gewonder of jy nie verdwaal het nie..  Eks bly jy het jou geniet.

Hoe was die pad tussen Malmesbury en Riebeek.. was did so los soos die darling pad?

Here are some pics of us at MAmreweg.



EBS's Little Monster



Ebs and Camelman, deciding where too from now ..


so what happend to the bike .. lets see

here it is , hosed it down quick yesterday

Back tire i had to work with

Front Tire

Cracked Topbox parcel tray ?

Bellypan ... Can you say ouch?


Overall , bike is still in one piece , must still put the plate back tho :)
If I look at that bashplate, you must get another bike. You might kill that KLE soon...
Yeah , i know what you mean. the Kle held up good.

I just tightened up everything that came loose.

I tightened the topbox screws

the left footpeg nut

put the numberplate back

and also tightened the manifold nuts as all four came loose.

now the bike is nice and quiet again ... i like it
Kewl report , cant believe that they have started locking the gates again.And it was a good call not to do that sand farm that ends in Pella.
Will have to catch up with you Steve and Eben on the next trip.
As for the KLE , I can asure you , that bike does very well under Rooipoot , a fellow Wilddog from Villiersdorp.

the KLE will be fine with good tires , but the suspension cant handle my weight ..

Depending how extreme the terrain is the KLE can cope with most

I hit a Motocross type of  jump earlier , the shocks just went WEH... didnt even have much air (around 40cm) and i felt the pain afterwards.

I should have a new transalp next week or something , but seriously ill be to affraid to take it on that trip again...
Just add a few steriods & some testosterone to the unleaded you feed that KLE and it'l soon grow big and strong like the one in the right photo.

But Steve may be a bit bigger than Philip  :D


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