Pity is was during my license test
It all happened at the incline start. I felt the bike starting to roll back, panicked and pulled off my
1st ever wheelie :biggrin: At least thats what I think happened, I was so nervous its all a bit of a blur... Unfortunately the incline was the only thing i hadnt done before on the TW200 I used for my test. It really sucks cause I do an incline start almost every day at the exit of the complex where I live...
What sucks more is that my next booking is only in March.
I am thinking bout getting a booking at Malmesbury sooner and trying it on my bike (Funduro). Any thoughts?
It all happened at the incline start. I felt the bike starting to roll back, panicked and pulled off my
1st ever wheelie :biggrin: At least thats what I think happened, I was so nervous its all a bit of a blur... Unfortunately the incline was the only thing i hadnt done before on the TW200 I used for my test. It really sucks cause I do an incline start almost every day at the exit of the complex where I live...
What sucks more is that my next booking is only in March.
I am thinking bout getting a booking at Malmesbury sooner and trying it on my bike (Funduro). Any thoughts?