So long Swaziland................ my last bike trip.........

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Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
BMW R1200GS Adventure
Day 1 (Pretoria – Bulembu)
So, as many of you might know, I left South Africa on 1 January 2012 to start a new job here in Doha, Qatar. This move had many positives, and also many negatives. In my 10 months in the Middle East, I have found that the three biggest negatives to this move has been: not being able to ride my bike, not being able to spend time with my friends, and not spending time with beautiful girls serving me Captain Morgan  :biggrin:

I visited SA briefly for a week in May, and got to ride my bike around town a bit, but I did not have time to do a ride with any meaning or real value to it. So when I came for a second visit in October/November for two weeks, I was even busier than on my visit in May! But this time round I decided to do at least one trip that would be worthwhile.

Having only two weeks available, I wanted to see so many people and ride with so many friends, but I really did not feel like joining a massive group ride. I have done many of them in the past, and I am over the big group thing! So I hooked up with my best riding buddy, Marnus for a quick stint to Swaziland!

Now Marnus and I have done a few trips together and we ride well together, we know each other’s riding style, capability and we get along great. We both drink large amounts of Captain Morgan, and we can talk a lot of kak and joke together, so I always have a good time when riding with Marnus!

So we decided to hit Swaziland for a real quick in and out, just three nights, because I had some stuff to take care of back in Pretoria and Marnus was also under pressure at work, so we had to make do with a quick trip. I will share some pics and fill in a few words between the pics!

We hit the N4 until Middleburg, then took some back roads to Badplaas

Me, very happy to be back on the bike

After lunch, some braai packs, mix and biltong in Badplaas, we hit the dirt, crossing the Komati River on the way to Diepgezet Village



I was very shaky on the dirt as this was my first time back on dirt since the beginning of December 2011, and I have not ridden a bike apart from the week in May and a few days in October. I got my rhythm back a bit later in the trip, but I never really got it all back. The lack of riding and fitness bugged me the whole trip.

Marnus with Swaziland on the horizon

This was my office for a few days, it sure beats the hell of my office in Doha!!

Man, I was happy to be back on a bike, I am sporting a HUGE smile under that helmet!!

Marnus on his new 990R (after writing off a 1200GS and later a 1200GSA – don’t tell anyone he works for a large Insurance Company!! – As the saying goes, “Teacher’s kids are usually the dumbest!”)  :pot:


We entered Swaziland at Bulembu, and settled into the old Mining Houses in the town of Bulembu. For this trip we opted for accommodation as I did not have any of my camping stuff with me as it is all in storage. So we had minimal luggage to carry! But at least we carried a Thirst Aid Kit!

We then made a lekker fire and had some chops and wors for dinner!


Day 2 (Bulembu – Bulembu)

We woke the next morning to a beautiful day, and Marnus had some good riding lined up for the day. He promised lots of plantation roads and lots of water crossings, he did not disappoint!!

Getting going the morning after the night before!

With the breakfast of Champions!!

Perfect weather for a great day of riding ahead!

We headed to Piggs Peak to fill up, then headed to the turn-off onto the first plantation road, this is what it looked like, absolute heaven to ride!

We rode so many plantation roads and they were all just great to ride! I will just post pics of some of the roads and scenery, the pics tell the story, this place is just Dual Sport Heaven to ride. I have ridden Lesotho many times, but Swaziland is just in another class!!



What a view!!




What riding area!!


Then we got to some water crossings, some small some larger and some HECTIC ones!!
This was one of the larger ones, the round stones on the bottom are huge and so slippery!
I have a video of Marnus doing this entire crossing (and having a little oopsie!!). but I have no idea how to edit the thing!!



Some more crossings, we probably did about 20-30 water crossings!

One more



Another deep one!


And this is always the result!

Then it was on to some more plantation roads for the rest of the day!
What a bike!!


The result of a good day’s riding!

I tried to be clever with my muk en druk!!

That night I was buggered!! It was a long day of hard and technical riding, and I could really feel that 11 months away from riding, along with an extra 8kg of weight gain did not do me any favours, fitness was a real problem on a day like today.
So we settled in for some more Captain Morgan and some Pizza!!

What a great day of riding, even though I really struggled, I still rate it as one of the best days on a bike ever!
great photo's, thanks for sharing. If that doesnt make you lus for a ride nothing will.  :thumleft:
Day 3 (Bulembu to Foresters Arms)

We got going again the same time as the day before, we just had to do the checking out, Marnus bought some honey from the Bulembu Ministeries Shop (he can tell you guys more about this initiative), then we headed off in search of more plantation roads in a southerly direction.

Today’s route was not planned at all, we just took it as it comes and kept on heading in the general direction, these are the best rides!
Early morning ready to leave Bulembu

Then more and more never ending forest and plantation roads



This was the best flippen road of the day, man you can haul ass on this stretch, waaaay to much fun!

We then came to this bridge with the river flowing quite low over a huge rock bank. Marnus decided to ride his bike down the rock bank, me on the other hand was not too keen on this, as my long absence from bike riding dented my confidence quite a bit….. We took a lot of pics here, what a great spot!













After this brilliant road, we approached the Komati River again, just upstream from Maguga Dam

We stopped at a little spaza shop, we renamed the shop “Snorkie’s shop” due to the girl working there snorting like a pig the whole time, it was flippen funny!!

We then headed past Sibebe Rock, this thing is HUGE, photos do not do it justice at all!






We then pulled into the Foresters Arms Hotel, and as as we stopped in the parking lot I noticed this in the KTM’s TKC rear:

It did not cause any damage at all, and we just pulled it out with a leatherman! Lucky!!!!

We checked into our rooms, Marnus got a nice room in the main hotel, while I got the servants quarters a little distance away from everyone else!!  :imaposer:

Then we started with some of this………..

Then LOTS more of this!

While relaxing next to this for the rest of the afternoon!

We spent the rest of the night kuiering with two French sisters, they were on holiday with the one sisters husband, and their mother. We even learned a bit of French in the process!
Day 4 (Foresters Arms to Pretoria)

We got up the next morning, had an awesome breakfast, checked out, and got going!
It was very misty in the morning, and this made for some brilliant riding the plantation roads in the cool mist of the morning. Everything smelled so fresh and clean, I am not used to this clean air after breathing in desert sand and dust for 10 months!!

The beast resting!

Some of the early morning misty forest riding



When the mist cleared it opened up to some more awesome plantation roads



We stopped at the glass factory near the border, to have a look around, and this one was just hanging around the place

Then it struck a pose for me

We then hit the black top all the way back to Pretoria with a hectic side wind, it was horrible riding in that cross wind, but I was still happy to be on the bike!

And that ladies and gentleman is my final little ride report for a very long time. I got back to Pretoria and sold my bike. It was a very sad day for me, but the better decision. There is no point in paying for a bike that I only ride two weeks in a year…………………..unfortunately………… :'( :'(

Thanks for reading!
Great report , magic pics ........sad end  :'(
Lekker fotos, pragtige wereld daardie......ek sal moet begin dink aan n trippie in daardie rigting. Sterkte vir die pad vorentoe, gaan jy nou kamele ry?
Bietjie van n hartseer RR. Sterkte vorentoe :thumleft:
klrick said:
Sad to hear you sold your bike. There'll be another I'm sure. Any chance of sharing your route on Mapsource with us?

I did not record the track we rode, but Marnus does have the route on his GPS. I will ask him to email me the routes, I will then convert them to tracks and post them.

Marnus....."pressure at work"? must be joking!!  :peepwall: :pot:

Lekker RR en pics Knoppies!! Dit is moer mooi daar.......defnitief op die kaarte vir volgende jaar.

Soos wat jy aangaan oor Marnus se bike kan ek net assume dat wanneer jy weer 'n scooter koop......sal dit iets soortgelyks wees.

Moenie worry nie......ry sal jy weer ry!!  :3some: :thumleft:
Looks awesome, and what a great send-off for your bike.
Thanks for the RR; I've had a niggle to go to Swaziland for a long time, and you've officially turned that into an itch that needs scratching.

KnopKop said:
I did not record the track we rode, but Marnus does have the route on his GPS. I will ask him to email me the routes, I will then convert them to tracks and post them.


Great report  :thumleft: and some awsome pictures  :) also keen to see the route as we going for 3 days in December - but guessing we will have a lot more mud to contend with  >:D

Photos like this one always make me update my biking bucketlist!!  :drif: