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275 kms ph


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5 mil cheaper and only 70k's slower


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What a rear end.... :3some:


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Great party, food and music that night.


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Psteyn said:
By the time this Porra got to Groenrivier , the Ship had beached 27 times, ja hy was klaar... :imaposer:

Did Porra pick that bike up 27 times  :eek7: He must work out a lot  :spitcoffee:
Remember there are slow old toppies that read this RR. Took me a long time to figure out K9 bay = hondeklipbaai
Great pics and epic trip.
Thanks Subie, but like all thumpers they get there in the end. :laughing4:
Great brekkie and a few last runs and we had to start the journey home and split up. Cape Boys to Kenhardt and Joburg boys to Hotashell


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After Kenhardt there was only 2 but they made the most of it . Calvinia next.


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Best part of any trip is to hear that all your mates made it home safe. Luckily it ended when it did cos who knows what would have happened if it was one night longer.


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Thanks to a great bunch of legends. See you in Angola next year, that's if I can hold on to my flippen Passport.
Fluit fluit. :lol8:
1. The Twins - a good G and T was a winner here
2. A tired little Porra at Oasis
3. Start of the coast route
4. Bessie blazing up
5. Michael and Pete, about to get stuck on a little sand climb



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1. Pantjie meets the love of his life
2. Namaqua National park - plenty of bokkies to avoid while riding, and a few meerkats and a horned adder, and a baby porcupine ( They are known for causing punctures )
3. Southerm Richtersveld
4. Pete on the 990R
5. Michael on the 800
6. Michael takes out his frustration on poor Pete


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1. BOOM… what a view ( This was where that massive scorpion attacked us without warning )
2. Epic Scenery
3. Barren lands up there

Then we crossed into Namibia and went to stay at Faulty Towers ( Orange River Lodge ) with a mad german boy hosting us, 6ft 3, white as the snow and with a shock of orange hair ( Perfect for the Desert )… Bertus...Boy was he useless.


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1. So where are we…. The helpful farmer in Namibia draws us a very clear map in the dust. Check the concentration on Pantjie's face as he is about to lead the way  ??? ???
2. Luckily Pete Snr can speak Namibian and he helped decipher the map. Sense of distance is different in Namibia - the farmer was talking about things as if they were just around the corner. We road about 90km on his farm! It even has canyons in it….. see below pics
3. We started down this cannon after about 70km of riding on the farm tweespoor tracks - see the tweespoort start in the canyon flow again
4. Start of the canyon - and it just became deeper…
5. … and Deeper
6. … and Deeper ( There's Porra on the GS blazing through )
7. …and Deeper - was amazing, felt like we were in an Indiana Jones movie
8. etc….
9. Etc…

I should have taken more photos but I was just enjoying the riding too much and it was BLOODY hot and so one kept much cooler while moving. I am looking forward to seeing the edited GoPro footage from the guys on this post soon.


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1. Awe inspiring Fish River Canyon… If I went 4 meters further I would have fallen to my death. I love that Africa has no fences and you can just ride up to the edge a major tourist attraction. If this was the UK, you wouldn't get a mile from that edge without a fence.
2. Michael takes it in
3. Canyon Roadhouse pub
4. Leaving Namibia to go to Augrabies Falls


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1. Porra's lavish birthday lunch - just like High Tea at the Mount Nelson. We even had Champagne.
2. Pete's new hairstyle was a hit
3. Running repairs undertaken by the town tractor mechanic for free… good people up north ( Augrabies, not JHB )
4. Porra about to start his Jagermeister Birthday down down…. "Zebras have 2 types of stripes, those that go UP and those that go DOWN DOWN DOWN…."
5. Pantjie getting out of hand again…..


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1. Arrive on the pan - there are plenty of other pics of this. Hell did it get windy and Dusty!
2. Lamborghini 4X4 - a face only a mother could love… Owner says about R25 000 per tyre to replace, and he punctured on on the trip up. OUCH
3. Dont loose the LIST… kitty written on what appears to be parchment
4. Depart and ride back 270km on gravel and sand back to fuel and then down to Calvinia


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Road south from Kenhart - was bitterly cold and OB's was critical for survival… except for Pete as he has heated grips. Pansy.

Some beautiful flowing, curvy high speed roads


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Great report and photos! Do you guys perhaps have a GPS track? I'd love to do the same one day.