Stormchased... dancing with horses.

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Not a bachelor.
WD Supporter
Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
Kawasaki KLR 650
Decided to see if I could reach Phillipolis without drowning or being zapped by lightning...
Set off at around 11 and found something for Laurika... horizon to horizon Sunflowers...
Plus the mandatory bike against scenery shot! :mwink:


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Then I found Hagesdam... and the baby mudmonster!

Well further along I encountered the real deal, Mr Mudmonster senior... Now I know why the sign was put up... road closed... I was too chuffed to have survived thick red mud to stop and take pics plus the clouds were getting ominous.


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Then I saw more signs just after I had a glorious dice with the horse... First tried to pass him slowly but he sped up... eventually after about 2k I squirted past after being roosted by his hooves! He actually seemed to be delighted in having some competition!

You can just make him out saying hi to another horse in pic 2.


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Onward to Austins Post... once a thriving trading post... now being used as a workshop/store.

Someone else was here as well today!! :deal:

Then across the Riet River... which had come down in flood recently judging by the new gravel on the approaches.


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Reached Edenburg (where I was born) on the tail of a passing storm and filled up...
By the look of the clouds I was thinking of slabbing it home on the N1 or N6...

But after taking a short bit on the N1 to avoid the storms I once again went back to dirt along the railway line and found a Rainbow.

The storm had just passed but the road was like a highway!


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On the way I stopped at the Railway bridge that has replaced the one washed away in the 88 floods. Seems like there had been some recent flooding again...
Had my padkos while keeping an eye on the clouds... then proceeded homeward.


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One dirty bike and the CO2 seems good for another 1000k!
The new number plate also held up and got back home intact... but dirty... :thumleft:


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A case of "how green is my valley" Nice photos especially the rainbow one.
Did a ride out Glen way this morning but chickened out as the road looked like one endless snot strip... maybe tomorrow.
GlenInk said:
RobC said:
Did a ride out Glen way this morning but chickened out as the road looked like one endless snot strip... maybe tomorrow.

But why ? You mos have knobblies !
200 or 300m of mud may be fun... but that particular road has more than that... hate picking up my bike... :mwink:
nice to see a bit of the free state ,how about a map so we can match photos to areas as some of us are unfamiliar of the area. :thumleft: