Sun City 6 September 2009

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Race Dog
Dec 5, 2007
Reaction score
KTM 690 Enduro
Fortunate to have the company of five riders for an off road adventure to Sun City on a 400km Sunday breakfast run. Nothing compares to the pleasure of riding a dual sport bike on dirt roads. Breakfast only the excuse.

We set off early, being spring, still a nip in the air. Dust was unfortunately excessive. Spring rains have not arrived yet. The small group made keeping everyone together an easy task. At turns, practically no waiting. Dust brown became the dominant colour scheme of bike and rider. Better than mud.

Riding in dust made rocks in the road difficult to spot and sections were mined with lurkers. Managed to miss most of them. Takes concentration to look far enough ahead and still see around obstacles. My subconscious mind must be helping me.

Entered Sun City free with breakfast at Cabanas. Already knew what I was going to have and it is all good and I am never hungry enough to enjoy it all. They do go out of their way to make bikers welcome. Takes one by surprise and crowns a glorious ride. Have you ever been asked to make use of a coat room? Not often in my life. The company and discussion were just as good. What the guests must have thought as we walked in looking like we had just crossed the Sahara. Hopefully not smelling like we had done it on a camel. Tempting to enjoy the sights at the pool deck but we had a schedule to keep.

Before Koster, we had the pleasure of a brilliantly designed dirt road. I could not help myself but ride flat out. The corners sweeping, downhills inviting and uphills conquerable. My apology for riding like a hooligan. It was the treasure of the ride.

Fuel became an issue at the end. I was not the only one on reserve. The light went on just before 200km. Found a garage on my GPS which was not far of the route. Surprisingly, it was closed. So off to the next one. All made it. I had 2 litres left. The fast riding did use more fuel than anticipated.

Without incident, including puntures, the ride ended at 2:00pm. Not a bad day’s outing. Thanks.








So where are the pics of the Sun City show girls working on their all-over tans by the pool ?

I was back by 10:30 after leaving you guys at Breedt's nek.

What was amazing, and almost made it worth it was the smell of perfume on the way back to Harties. Not sure exactly what it was - I suspect the citrus blossoms.

Somewhere in my passionate past there must have been a lady who wore a perfume made from the same stuff.

It got to work on those subliminal memories deep in my brain and made riding in the standing position uncomfortable. 
One can see that you are enjoying the 690KTM " A " More riding ---Less photos. :mwink:
Good to be back in action! Great meeting a new bunch of Dogs. The group was small which enabled us to move at a reasonable pace. The dust was terrible at times, but bearable.

Gunda's cappucino's were up to their usually excellent standards.  :thumleft: I must agree with you there Gunda, the stunning smells along the way were amazing. Spring is definately here.

Blazes! what happened to Splash? You put it down to his new bike, the man has become a lunatic!! When he puts on the gear......... Clark Kent to Superman!

Thanks Splash, well led.

R100.00 for breakfast!  Worth every cent.  was only outeaten by Splash, goodness he can pack away the confectionaries. :biggrin:


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GundaGunda said:
.... What was amazing, and almost made it worth it was the smell of perfume on the way back to Harties. Not sure exactly what it was - [edit: delete] Somewhere in my passionate past there must have been a lady who wore a perfume made from the same stuff.
It got to work on those subliminal memories deep in my brain and made riding in the standing position uncomfortable. 
Just a reminder that when riding in the outdoors there are area's containing "cow patties" which provide a very refreshing aroma in particular the mornings.
Now don't read between my lines, but it's almost like Australian Bike Riders, in the country side. They tend to also remember the wild ladies they dated, in particular when passing sheep farms, if you know what I mean.  :imaposer:

Thanks for the ride chaps :thumleft:

Apart from the fact that I had to live with a sea of orange for 500 odd kays, the dirt highways were more like dust highways.

Must say I always enjoy the stop on top of Breedtsnek - especially with a Gundachino - shotto Peter :thumleft:

Killy Kiddy (spelling?), really nice riding in formation with you and Dazed - wont hold the pipe's noise against you >:D

Over and out
Recorded a number of onboard movie clips - too big though

Here some pics


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Nice ride guys. From your photies I must say the gravel out west looks in great nick!  :thumleft:
LeonDude said:
Nice ride guys. From your photies I must say the gravel out west looks in great nick!  :thumleft:

hey, watch out for these okes Leon.

They ride too far. They ride too fast  :ricky:

On the gravel road we rode from the Koster road from Magalies to the Rustenburg road from Magalies - lekka gravel road - I checked my GPS log and I averaged 85Kph with  bits up at 100 - which is about as fast as I can or feel comfortable riding on the KLE, and they were gathered and busy telling joke no 4 by the time I caught them at the tar.

So I can only guess how fast they moved up North. 

Ok, this is the route we did  - is this fine or must I send the track log??



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Thanks guys, also enjoyed it thoroughly!

Check the smiley I picked up - and that at 2.4 Bar on the front. Had it fixed already and good as new. Looking forward to the next ride.



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GundaGunda said:
hondsekierie said:
Ok, this is the route we did  - is this fine or must I send the track log??

Nope - that's fine - Thanx Muchly !  ;D
Would be interesting to see your colour coded track for speed. If you have some time.