Sunday 14th Valentine/Friendship Ride & Picnic (Gauteng)

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Race Dog
WD Vendor
Nov 21, 2007
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
KTM 1190 Adventure
We are doing a Valentines / Friendship Ride and picnic this coming Sunday the 14Th

Li and I have scouted and found a fantastic spot about 100Km's west of Pinehaven Sasol (N14)

Its a beautiful river setting with loads of trees and clean water to take a dip. I was amazed how clean it was, we get so used to seeing bits of plastic and rubbish all over it was a pleasant surprise to find a spot so unspoilt  and quiet.

Its a twee spoor railway service road to get there and even after all the rain this week it was still easy to get to with no mud or any tricky bits. Its about 90ks of tar and then 10 Km's of railway service road to get there,

The Plan is as follows.

Bring your SO, Swambo, Friend, Bike, Dog etc and pack a picnic lunch/brunch and some drinks.

We will be there from around 10am and are planing to spend about 2 hours or so just chilling.

From there its a short ride to tar and then back, or for those that want to spend some more time riding there is a nice dirt route from there to Ventersdorp and back home again (180kms)

This is going to be a great day out.

As usual all are welcome,

When: 14 Feb 2010
Where: Pinehaven Sasol Cnr N14 and Hendrik Potgieter
Time: Be there at 7:30 for departure at 7:45am
Bring: Some Snacks, Woolies Sarmies Chips Etc and your choice of beverage, Also bring shorts, flip flops and a towel. Optional Picnic blanket (we will bring one and if one or two others do then that will be perfect)

Just because this is on the 14th of Feb does not mean its only for couples, If its just you spending time with your Bike thats perfect too.

See you there!  :thumleft:

Jules and Li

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