Sunday ride to Porcelain Kiln

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May 21, 2009
Reaction score
Suzuki DR650
:3some:Anton, Albertus and I met at the One Stop N1 Engen on Sunday morning and soon took off onto the gravel at Tygerberg Zoo and after suffering lots of dust exited at Eenzaamheid farm.
After another small gravel diversion we were soon near Wellington and then onto the Loch Lady road before turning again onto gravel and the start of the Porcelain road.
Dust, dust and more dust plus plenty of church goers facing us head on with some on our side of the road. Made the trip slightly more exciting.
The highlight of the trip was a stop at the Porcelain kiln built in 1901 with many photo opportunities for Anton and Albertus.
Next stop and most important was brunch at Eds Diner in Riebeeckasteel and his latest really hotted up Ford Cortina in immaculate condition. But unfortunately already sold to some lucky person from across the ocean.
Breakfast over we headed to Riebbeck West and onto the Malmesbury road circling the Kasteel.
Today this road is very sandy and corrugated. Enough to shake my number plate loose but thanks to Zip ties it will most probably hold until I sell the bike.
Malmesbury  reached with no further drama and back on the tar before reaching the long stopping stretches on the way to Durbanville as the crew resurface the road.
The last piece of excitement was watching some unlucky Eskom employee dangling 10m under a helicopter as he cleaned the insulators with about 600 000 volts crackling around him.
Another great ride with two Wilddog riders.
Short Youtube snippet attached
some pics as proof...


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Nice!  Is that an 850 Mini?  It was slower even than the 500 Fiat.
Thanks Robin and Bertus for yet another great Sunday ride!! :ricky:
WTF?  I have been on that road so many times and never new there was a real kiln?  :D

Give co-ords if you can, please i I want to go see it next time I pass there.    :thumleft:
The next time you take the road take it slower, breathe in the country air and you will easily see the Kiln on your right hand side.

But if I still don't spot it, I'll be back ...  O0
dare i say, Dit staan lewensgroot daar langs die pad.
jy sal dit sien as jy rondkyk en nie net jaag nie / of net op die pad konsetreer nie.
eweskielik 'n paar (bloekom)bome aan linkerkant met die kiln aan regterkant. glad nie weggesteek nie.
maklik 3/4 van die pad agter die rug by die tyd.

dis wat dit so lekker maak om die agterpaaie te ry, mens sien dinge wat andermense nie eers van weet bestaan nie.
of wat min mense sal sien, sien ons (of sommige van ons) ;D

sê maar as ons sondag weer moet saamry. (dit klink na goeie verskoning om weer te gaan ry!)

hier is 'n foto van wat langs ons grondpaaie lê, wat nie baie mense sien nie.


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Ek is skaam - ek kyk net rond as ek op lang trips gaan en eintlik stel ek moerse belang in dinge soos die. Volgende keer sal ek staaaadig daar verby.  ::)