Swartbeg East Entrance condition?

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Race Dog
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
KTM 640 Adventure
Anyone been via the east entrance of the Swartberg recently and what is the condition of the tweespoor road? Can't get a close enough view with Google Earth and not sure how current the imagery is.

That looks very interesting! Where do you enter? Is it a public road?
Maybe move this to planning a ride?
Cannot see too clearly but Ive walked that road doing Vasbyt.
Stunning road but NOT when pushing Samiltyres and "teerpalle" and the rest of our toys.
With a permit you can do it with a 4x4 but like Ian Smith said NEVER in a 1000 years on a bike Ive heard
from Flora and Dora people.
It turns off in Meiringspoort at the Klaarstroomside.
There is a hill on the route called  Heartbreakershill.So steep it has two cemantstrips. A Samiltyre runs down it very fast believe me!!! :biggrin:

Swartberg Hiking Trail

Forget it.
Was there last week , went over Swartberg pass from Oudtshoorn side down to Die Hell and then down to Prince Albert, had a look at the East entrance from the top, it was very overgrown and looked like a hiking trail, thats not saying you cant ride it with a smaller bike, saw a couple of mountain bicycles down it.
chrisL said:
Cannot see too clearly but Ive walked that road doing Vasbyt.
Stunning road but NOT when pushing Samiltyres and "teerpalle" and the rest of our toys.
With a permit you can do it with a 4x4 but like Ian Smith said NEVER in a 1000 years on a bike Ive heard
from Flora and Dora people.
It turns off in Meiringspoort at the Klaarstroomside.
There is a hill on the route called  Heartbreakershill.So steep it has two cemantstrips. A Samiltyre runs down it very fast believe me!!! :biggrin:

Wanner was jy daar? Ek het die tyd, 1983, 'n XR200 gehad en so in die stap het my DS droom begin. Hier wil ek eendag 'n bike ry. Het later probeer maar dit is taboe.
ek haal die email van Johann Grobler van Outshoorn net so aan...

From: Johann Grobler KK Events [mailto:]
Sent: 03 April 2011 19:04
To: wouter
Cc: 'Bessie Brand'
Subject: Re: swartberg...


'n "Oostelike ingang" bestaan baie jare al nie meer nie. Plaas jou gedagtes terug na die dag toe ons twee hierdie roete karteer het. Ons is oos van Goue Krans teen die steil zigzags met die losserige terrein op. Ons moes toe omdraai want daar was 'n grernsdraad voor ons.

Tony Marshall wat die bestuurder van die Swartberg was, het later bevestig dat daar vroeër jare wel 'n deurgang was na Meiringspoort. Dis egter gesluit omdat die professor van die Vrystaat nie meer wou hê dat vreemde voertuie oor sy eiendom beweeg nie.


----- Original Message -----
From: Wouter Brand
Cc: 'Bessie Brand'
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2011 5:31 PM
Subject: RE: swartberg...


Kan jy die jongste inligting gee rondom Swartberg kruin.. See Wilddog link below.

Bessie will relay your response to the Wilddog Forum
Het dit al gestap

Jy draai uit Meiringspoort uit op die Middelwater pad en hou aan tot jy by 'n plaas kom wat 2 damme het wat aan jou linkerkant teen die pad le. Net verby die damme is 'n huis met 'n groen dak - dit is Jan Ellis se plaas.

Net verby Jan Ellis se huis is daar 'n afdraai na links en omtrent 500m verder is die huis van Theuns Muller. Jy moet deur sy plaas ry en dan duer nog 'n plaas wat ook aan Jan Ellis behoort - so vra hom as jy verby sy greon dak huis ry.

Na Jan Ellis se 2de plaas is die plaas van die proffesor waarna die man (dink dis Wouter) verwys het. Hy het so huisie daar bo in die plek wat hulle Die "aap" noem.

Daarvandaan kan jy op gaan na die Swarberpas - daar was 'n pad toe ek laas daar geloop het maar dit is verweer en ek sou dit nie met die bike aanpak nie maar ek is ook nie Jan Staal nie.

Bel vir Theuns Muller - hy sal jou dalk kan help met reelings. Het nie sy nommer nie maar jy sal dit kan kry by Dirk Henning van Realnet Klain Karoo op De Rust. Hy ken die hele wereld daar en sy nommer is  082 907 2299
Hou in gedagte dat die berg deur Kaap Natuurbewaring bestuur word. Jy het hulle toestemming nodig om daar te ry.

Ek was in 2009 daar deur. Die 30km vanaf Swartbergpas na Gouekrans het ons amper 4 uur gevat. En dit was die beter deel van die pad.  ::)
On the way from Meiringspoort to Swartberg Pass my GPS decided it knows a shorter route and took us on an unplanned adventure of the Swartberg Kruin 4WD Trail instead of the quicker R407. We turned around after 13km because the trail was getting a little too hectic and day light was running out.

Some video footage showing the current condition of the east entrance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1NqgJuU520
