Swartrugpad - A very short report in 4's

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Bachelor Dog
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
BMW G650 X-challenge
Over a beer on Friday evening, newguy and I decided to go to the Karoo the next day.
We met up on Saturday afternoon and headed to the Swartrug road 176km away.
After buying some food in Ceres we arrived at the camping spot below the Peerboom pass
The weather was great so we didn't bother with tents to keep mozzies at bay.

Between us we had 4 sosaties, 4 beers and 4 litres of red wine. We polished it all
Waking up the next day was hard and we reluctantly prepared for the next haul.
I wish I took more picture, especially of the sand dunes below Katbakkies pass
4pics is what you get. That is all

Camp: S32 52 52.3 E19 44 13.9


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Very sneaky

<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/HRRobson/Mixed/photo#5189030883808374946"><img src="https://lh5.ggpht.com/HRRobson/SAMkGJ3t8KI/AAAAAAAAAqs/QQTs2FlkVho/s800/100_2093.JPG" /></a>

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Some good music. The evening started off with some chillin Jack Johnson and finished with Ramstein and Editors
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Jislaaik. Even your short reports are cool. Well done guys.

That is what adventure riding is all about.
newguy said:
bobnob said:
no pictures of miffed meat  :p

What you mean, look what we braaid that sosaties on  ;D

Makes me wonder if it was only the amount of alcohol that made not wanting to get up the next morning. ;D

Nice one guys!
Short and sweeeeet LS.

I can see by the lipstick stains on those cups that you had a blast! ;D
Stylvolle kampering :D (Ek sal maar ongemaklik slaap met die baaik wat so op my oorhel ???)
dammmm,,,no thats what a road trip be about

nice one guys,,,,

whats that blue thingie,,,looks like a surfboard,,,,how does he fit it on the bike????
The informal report matches the informal ride well.
You refer to the Swartrug road, is that the R355 to Calvinia?
And the Peerboom pass, first I have heard of it.  Not on the Slingsby map.  Where is that?
The Swartrug road joins the R303 and the R355
it has two passes: The Katbakkies pass on the western (Cederberg) approach and the Peerboom pass on the eastern (Karoo) side

the closest town to the road is the small hamlet of 'Op-die-berg'


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Ah thanks.  So Peerboom aka Skittery?  And someone suggested here a while ago that Skittery could be a corruption of Skuttery.
I have done that road.  Your earlier post was the first reference to Katbakkies that I saw.  I am attracted by interesting names so wanted to get there as soon as I first read about it.
LuckyStriker/New Guy, i see one of you has got a "sox" speaker thingy. Is it working well, and for long does the battery last before it must be recharged?
We did the same road on Saturday morning.  Slept next to those sand dunes you wrote about at Katbakkies.
Be aware LS - that DR will seriously grow on you.  ;D

Bye bye Tenere

Tim said:
We did the same road on Saturday morning.  Slept next to those sand dunes you wrote about at Katbakkies.

I read your report and noticed it too

We also met Wilddogs at the Spur in Ceres and encountered another Dog coming back from his Namibia trip on Saturday
The Karoo was crawling with dogs this weekend ;D

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