Swaziland - Mozambique 4 day tour 1500K's in 4 days

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Day 3
Mozambique - The land of Sand

I've been to Mozambique before by 4x4 so I was aware what was lying ahead of me
There was going to be sand lots and lots of sand.

Woke up early again, the previous night was cold and I dont think any of us slept well

When I got out of my tent I was woken by this friendly animal
Known as the Booteared Kaytee'em

The only one who slept was the youngest of the group, I also remember being able to sleep anywhere
when I was that young

The Border between Swaziland and Mozambique was a longer affair
Checking of Bike papers , filling in of forms, being nice to the guards, paying of insurance
after about an hour of faffing we were inside Mozambique

This is where having all you papers in order and with you helps, things can get long and drawn out if
you papers arent in order

100 Meters from the Border you realised your not in Swazi anymore

Kyk daar voor, dit lyk amper soos sand

Ahead of us lay kilometres and kilometres of sand of various thicknesses
after a while you get used to the normal thick sand but now and then the road
will dip into a huge powder puff looking like an explosion when you ride into it
bottoming out your suspension and then pushed in the air as you exit
hanging on for dear life, the road would also suddenly swerve left and then right
making taking it at speed a hair raising affair

Fatique started to set in and bikes were dropped more and more
after a while you have to make the decision go fast and pickup your bike
or go slow and paddle

Not a lot of pictures was taken but we do have some stills from the video

An Oasis in the Desert
Here we could have a laugh and prepare for the next bit

Class was in Session

Then came the last 20k's to Ponta do Ouro

This sand was next level, The sun baked this sand into a fine deep mess
There were no ruts to ride in, and if you found one it would spit you out
by now I was finished and all I could do was paddle, I would ride for 20 metres
and then get stuck or stall the bike

About 12k's from Ponta I said a little prayer and around the next corner
my friends found a local who was willing to give me lift, they still felt
they could muscle through, but I knew it was just stupid for me to try ride some more
The sun was going down fast,  So we muscled my bike onto the bakkie

I rode on the back of the bakkie to Ponta Mahlange to wait for my friends
It took them almost and hour to ride the 6'ks to meet up with me

When my friends arrived they looked like death, after some heated
discussions the decision was made to split the group, I would take the bakkie to
Ponta do Ouro, Tobie and Riaan would follow to Ponta do Oura and the others would camp in Mahlangane
and push for the border the next morning.   Tobie did not like this idea because in his experience splitting the
group is dangerous

Camping in Mahlange

When I got to Ponta do Oura it was dark
I then pitched my tent and waited for my friends

Tried to call them and Realised my phone was in my jacket which was strapped to another guys

So I sat and waited, about 2 hours later Tobie and Riaan arrived at the camp site
Now Tobie is a Roof Rider and I could see he was suffering
It took about an hour for the smiles to return

Campsite in Ponta do Ouro

The last day was 10k's of sand to the border and then tar all the way home

Getting back onto tar was a nice feeling
The Tar to Piet Retief as fun, but then it was just long boring straight road all the way home

And thats that, my storie is uit
Nou vir die volgende een

Will never forget this trip

Jozini Dam

:thumleft: excellent. although that sand would piss me off. I would try though and hate it... I hate struggling and sand is just stupid.
Hierdie lyk na n bair lekker lang naweek trip!!! Het julle met n gps gery? ek dink net ek gaan bietjie meer tyd nodig he vir die sand.

Well done!!!

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Ek wil ook dit doen!! Klink en lyk hemels!!!
Nou's ek lus vir n trip :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: