Swinburne Weekend - Lots of Wow and a little Eish !

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Nice to meet everyone at the weekend. GG thanks for oraganising and jules for the outride couldnt ask for better


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Unfortunatly had a bike that thought it was a kangaroo on the way home - as Rolling Stone and I turned onto the Memel road R722 the bike started missing - checked the fule line and spark plugs and found nothing wrong so decided to limp into Memel - I must admit that the jerky bike refusing to do more than 60km on those sandy rocky roads was no fun! Amazing that a few rides back I was battling to do more than 60 on the dirt now am complaining when I have to do 60 on the dirt  :D
Arrived in Memel around lunch time and met up with some of the Africa twin guys who moved their bikes around so they could trailer mine home for me - got back to their place the their eager boys decided to strip the bike to find a really dirty air filter which was promptly cleaned and the bike after a few coughs and splutters managed to get me home in one piece.
What a fantastic ride - I have to admit I was really upset that I had to ride back in a car as my weekend had definatly not been dirty enough even with the 100km re-do of Collins pass and wrong road that took me to the bottom of van reenens pass with a ride home in the dark - fortunatly the petrol thing happen 2km form the petrol station  :)
Sorry for having you all so worried!!!
Sometimes the consequences of ones actions are a)unforseen and b) worrisome.

Just had a call from Kim. I quote: "I want to sell my racecar, and buy 2 plastics so we can do rides like Swinburne easy."

WTF ???
Short break at the top of Normandien Pass

And another break at Bezuidenhouts

Spot the bike at the top?

Purple Turtle - hope the rib heals quick.

Cave Girl - please explain the pose - and how the keg of beer was disposed of.
Good one PT.  :thumleft: So other people also now know what the rest of always did know. Stroms CAN.  >:D
Nice one guys & gals!! That's some rocking stuff there ;)  :ricky:

Hey all - thanks so much for tit weekend, it was great meeting all of you and Bex and myself had a fab time.
Jules - I think your letter should start something like this: Dear Yamaha..... nice bike....  found a pass on google earth .... met a girl who said it was a piece of takkie ("on my plastic bike" mumble mumble).... sorry about the scratches.. etc

Cave girl - nice pic of you demonstrating the sleeping position of your pet bats (almost). When can i place an order for that home bru?

We must definately hook up again. If any of you want, i can set up a weekend down this way. Just give me a shout.
Oh - i forgot to mention that it took us 12 hours to get home, finally rolled up the driveway at 22H00. Man it was freezing out there, i've never been so cold in my life. After leaving Swinburne we headed off to Clarens for lunch and then a scenic ride through Golden Gate and then a bit of carbo loading at the pub in Winterton (20km from Bergville). I think we mounted our scoots at around 07H00 for the final leg home. Wow, we are bad at this time commitment thing. I can't count how many times we've landed up riding in the dark.
You guys obviously had a ball. Thanks for sharing. Those passes look great! 8)

Who is who in the photos? Please put some names to the faces. :)
roadrage said:

Cave girl - nice pic of you demonstrating the sleeping position of your pet bats (almost). When can i place an order for that home bru?

Thanks for that as after half a keg of beer I could not have explained it as eloquently  >:D
Jules, where is "road" in photo you use to depict the severity of the ride? Looks good. Got to go.
When I said "road" I was going of what Garmap told me. :)

There was a Jeep that did it so it is a road of sorts!    :biggrin:

When I'm big, I wanna ride with Jules. Awesome RR, Pics. Really sums up what WildDogs is all about.
Just Blip It! said:
You guys obviously had a ball. Thanks for sharing. Those passes look great! 8)

Who is who in the photos? Please put some names to the faces. :)


From left to right
Gunda Gunda, Purple Turtle, Shesha, Punchy, RoadRadge, Rudder, Jules, Kim (kneeling), Eddy, Cave Girl, Li
Yea it was a lekker weekend thanks to Jules for organising a lekker route and Gunda for the cuppachinos and place to stay.

Only problem is now I want a 640  :(