Teapots DP1 weekend at ADA.

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Race Dog
Jun 8, 2010
Reaction score
BMW F650GS / Dakar
Ok ill be the first to write about the weekend.

Saturday 6am BFG and myself head out from 4 ways for our  weekend at school. Let first say it was frikken freezing cold and just as we past Lanseria it got nice and frosty.
We got to the school and I was so excited to finally do my Dp1.
We got a great warm welcome and it was good to see Mark and Judy again and medic Shaun and Kenny.  It was going to be an awesome weekend.

I learnt so much this weekend and so many new skills it was amazing and super fun. And not only my riding but also some good life skills too. And also my insecurity of being to light and skinny for my bike. :ricky:
I met some really cool people with no egos or attitude. and we had such a good time.

I'm not filling you in on the details of what we did that you must find out for yourself and go experience it.

Then on day 2 the sandpit.
Our favourite of them all. All was going good. I did my first run no prob. Then my second and... My  exit was too fast.  I panicked, froze and yeehaa I launched into the air and  did a lekker flying ass over kettle manouver. And well the rest I couldn't say it happened so fast.
Ill let the others in our group fill the details in.
Results :bike damage. broken gear lever.  Phew.
                :me. My foot took the worst brunt of it all. And doesn't look or feel good at all very very sore and swollen.
And I did win the double dick of the weekend award. Haha. Sorry Mike and Mark for taking the award.
And no photo. Damn!
Lesson : keep that throttle steady.
You are not a jet pilot and use proper mx boots if you riding off road.
The so called "adventure" boots that  they say they are is just a marketing ploy. They give no proper ankle support. But that's for another debate.
Anyway after that the rest of my day was over.
As soon as my foot is fixed  that sandpit and I have a date.

I will highly recommend doing a course for your riding skills,confidence and safety and its a load of fun.

Thank you so much to all the team at ADA for your great hospitality. The group of riders. 
Mark and Kenny for organising  to get me home.
Medic Shaun for the meds.
And last but definitely not the least, a massive thank you to Judy for being such a sterling and truly amazing  instructor.
Thanks for the chat and "reg rik" :thumleft: :ricky:

The only photo Alsdad took was the after party with my foot. Haha.