Day 3.
As we stopped at the Brandvlei filling station the wind was still pumping with about 100 k’s to go for the pan. Had a quick red bull and 30 k’s later opened the first gate on the road we lovingly dubbed “Pad van n 1000 hekke”. This shit was not funny. What the hell? We soon started to relay gates, but progress was slow. This didn’t do my thighs any good either.
As the KTM is known for fantastic fuel consumption compared to the F800, we hoped to refill on Swakop just before we get to the pans. WTF. Talk a bout remote. All the litlle plaas kinners came running out, finger in the nose, cheering and laughing. One old man walked up to us when we stopped at the petrol pump with a big smile said, “ Goeie more manjir, die petrol hys kla.” I saw my F800 buddy started to stress. I asked him since when and he responded by scratching his dusty hat and said,” Oooo, ek denk dis las djar manjir.” Fok.
The greatest concern was we still did not know how to get on the pan, how far we are going to ride for the day or where we will find fuel. Cause out here, there is truly Fokkol.
This was a very, very dificult desition to take, so we decided to be sensible and responsible about this and rode on regardless. Ons ma’s het mossie bang kinners groot ge maak nie.
Just before 12:00 the earth opened in front of us and we saw a beautiful dam in the distance. Just then a farmer and his wife (With a kakhys vol skappe on the trailer) stopped us with big smiles. “Waaa gan julle?” I almost asked her if shes joking but politely asked about the pan. Her response, “Daaai groot dam da, wat soos water lyk, dis hy, maar dis nie water nie. Dis die verneek pan”. Dankie tannie, and of we went.
So we rode another hour or so and where we estimated the middle was, we stopped, had a lekke Jose’ Tequila, set a few land speed records and decided, that’s that, been there done that and started our relay gate opening dusty ride back to Brandvlei.
At around 13:00 we filled up (the very economical KTM only taking about 3 litres). We had to maker a B-line (time not on our side) for Prince Albert via Kalvinia, Williston and Leeu Gamka. From here the wind was head on and gusting all over the place, screwing up the big KTM, I mean BMW’s fuel consumption even further. Kalvinia was cold as a fridge and we got out of there damn quick. Around 20:00 we stopped in Prince Albert. After Pizza and a few cold ones, we checked into Karoo Lodge and settled down for the night.