Testing out my 2T ADV bike in Vietnam :D

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Grey Hound
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Cape Town
Suzuki DR-Z 400

So last Thursday I finally got around to picking up a bike out here, I managed to find a very clean 1999 model DT230. A very rare and interesting lil bike, they were only manufactured for a handful of years it seems.

Some highlights: 2 stroke, 40 BHP+-, power valves, traction control (lol wtf I know right?), electric starter, oil injection, nice digital dash with two trip meters (accidentally figured out this weekend you can have the trip meters count up and down)

loads of power for a small bike, was sitting comfy in 6th @ 140km/h  :ricky:

Had a great lil shakedown on the beach out where we were staying, with pillion. the bike just glides over loose stuff. The traction control is really hard to notice but seems to work really well.

Will post up a short video clip when I get it off my girlfriends phone.

A few pics of the bike.

edit: ignore the 150R sticker on the tail, bigger bikes in Vietnam get registered as 150cc to get around some lame laws. In reality it translates to the traffic cops (peach fuzz) dont like having smaller bikes than other guys  :laughing4:

Ran without issue at all, needs a new chain slider though, right up till about 5km from my apartment when I had an exciting end to this weekends road trip when my bikes CDI melted and had smoke spewing out from under the fuel tank o_O! At the end of it just a very dramatic electrical fault :p

So out of order for a lil while while the mechy out here gets it sorted.

My Mate from home who lives here and works with me managed to find a nice, yet older, KDX200 road legal and all  :mwink:
So we are planning some proper shakedowns soon enough
Beautiful little bike.

Clearly the 'nam bikes have not been prepared for the N[]va effect  :imaposer:
MildDog said:
Beautiful little bike.

Clearly the 'nam bikes have not been prepared for the N[]va effect  :imaposer:
hahah yea, not sure yet where this bike came from. I suspect Oz or Japan
Crossed-up said:
Lekker, Jan.  Enjoy it!
You came to mind when I first rode this bike, this one would suit you to a T
Etienne2T said:
good to see you riding up there.
Planning to be out exploring the country side out here at least twice a month, well planning that again once the bike is up and running
Etienne2T said:
How would you say it compares to SA?

Riding/Scenery wise
A lot of it feels kinda like Knysna/wilderness in terms of being green and lush, haven't done much off road yet though. I have only been in and around Saigon so its all been flat and coastal. planning on heading up into the mountains when I get a chance.

From what I have seen of pics from some of the local off road guys there is some crazy sick trail riding to be done :D also loads of mud and sand.

bradleys said:
Well done ,glad you have a bike,hopefully will be a easy fix :thumleft:
Ah yea the mechanic we deal with, also who I got the bike from, is a rare breed in terms of his ethics and friendliness. He has already ordered a replacement CDI from Japan and will be soaking up all the costs for repairs as he says it's under "warranty"  Has also offered to replace neck bearings and fork oil, sprockets and chain after the shakedown I did and noticed some niggles.

Should be ready within a few days to a week.
Luck day today it seems :D

Via mate who's mate is leaving Vietnam I got some riding kit.

Alpinestar tech8's (in my size too  :deal:)
EVS Flux chest protector
EVS elbow and knee guards
EVS neck guard (will replace that with a Leatt brace when I'm home)

All in good nick for 200 USD  :thumleft:

Very soon getting to be ready for some hard trail riding  :ricky:
Hey N[]va glad to see you got another bike  :thumleft:

The KTM 690 i got from you is still going strong and I am enjoying every minute on it !!!

Keep well 
Nice looking bike :thumleft: :thumleft:

Looking forward to the video. ;)
Awesome. Super jealous. Did Saigon to Hue in 2010 on Honda futures (resulting in piles) in a week and a half via Dalat in 2010 with my boet, sucher a lakker jol. Super Jealous that of that part of the world. Lived in Saigon for 2006, such a lakker place. Hope you get away with the comparative super bike over there. Anything bigger then a 150 and you have to have club membership or something! Put photographs up soon, miss that place!!
Don't think I took many pics as I only had my cellphone with me, will see if the others got any.

This quarry is a work in progress, a few expats are having a MX track built (for next to nothing in terms of cost)

This is a clip of my mate Devan, also from SA. I thought him to ride a scooter 4 months back and teaching him to ride off road now, he is hooked already  :deal:

And yes yes I know he is wearing jeans and skateboarding shoes  :p We had his girlfriend pickup some mx gear for him in Singapore over the weekend, crazy hard finding gear in Vietnam

This is Monty, one of the blokes we are riding with that's showing us local trails

This is Flo, a very nice french girl who is learning to ride with her boyfriend.

It had been raining heavily for a few days which made for some seriously fun mud ridding. I did how ever at one point get stuck in a clay mud trap. both wheels over the axle. When i got off to tip and pull the bike I sank in down to my knees  :imaposer:

The very few pics I have, promise I will go buy a happy snappy and take more in future  :deal:

The day before I got some mx knobbies


Devan and I got an early start and ended up waiting for the others to arrive as we couldn't find the track.
While waiting Dev decided to do the Vietnamese thing and have a nap on his bike

Shortly followed by an inquisitive young cow

Last two shots I have where we start and stop the ride at a garage that allows us to spray the bikes down for free.


So while I wait for the ride this Sunday I have asked our Mechy to order new piston rigs, has a little rattle so I figure I will be preemptive, cam chain, wheel bearings, swing arm bearings & neck bearings.

I figure 25000 km on a 2Stroke warrants a preemptive top end build