The 2nd Biggest Cape Wilddog Ride Yet (Or so I'm Told)

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nice video clip.... and its these clips that the forum NEVER forgets.

the first post under vermaaklikheid ever,
shows our esteemed LITO also falling victim to the mud-mondster.... :D :D
Well done Hermy

you an instant legend

And you right -Wes pic is a classic :lol:
I have only one thing to say:
H., the clip is a giggle, sorry, but yip, Wes, you lying on the side of the road take the cake.....sorry !!!!!!

I'm definitely glad no-one was hurt - YAYA for ATGATT!
briv said:
hey that was quite a tirmanater, hermanator

OW !!!!!!! Next your'e going to be saying "I'll be back" in a bad Austrian accent......
:D :lol: :D :lol:

That clip is funny!

Sorry Lawrence. :D
what was that other thread???


Great clip..pity we did not get to see the aerobatics of the rider... :D :D

Glad you came off relatively ok..
Heh Heh, glad you're enjoying it! :shock:

Those wonderful men and their flying machines well I was sporting the spinning propeller on the jacket, wasn't I? :lol:

I have a bruise on my thigh and one on the palm of my hand. I think the bruise was from my flight over the handlebars while the palm bruise was my landing. I think I may have also landed on my elbow as my tennis elbow was really giving me hell.

But no, there's no other aches or pains, nor pain in the butt and not a scratch anywhere (on me), only the bike. :cry:

I'm only pleased to have been able to provide so much entertainment. :evil: But then, that's what Noobies are for, aren't they? :D

Lawrence :wink:
A few more pics:

Thanks to XT660 for fixing our bike, ride was almost finished for us before it started. Being the only bike with a pillion we were very worried at the start, thought there was propably a reason why, but happy to hear now that some just overslept. What a great route, technical enough but not undoable with 2 up.

At the bridge

Had to drop the tire pressure, think this is what helped us through the sand later on

Chasing the pack of dogs!!!

Are we lost here guys?

Yep, lost !!!! which way, Left? right? Back !!!!

Here comes the CMA "dogs", most of them atleast. Hats of to the lady on the 650GS

Check the Basset, not the least bit worried about the large pack of wild dogs

Estimated time of arrival for flight Herm, about 30 secs!!!

And then came Herm's prang next to us, not a very nice sound if you can't see whats coming. Lucky we caught it on camera!!! All is well that ends well.

Now that is what I call a big trail bike.

Lost again, yep

Wes after he removed his side safety wheels, mistake??

What can I say: A beaut of a bike

Brain storming on how to turn our bikes around and head back

Why do we need 3 guys to pick up a Dakar?

Thanks for a great ride guys-had fun, and thanks to my wife who took a few hard hits at the back. Amazingly we stayed upright all day, think we had luck on our side for once.

Andrew & Ingrid
awesome guys! the pic of the wes next to his bike is :D well done to the photographer, keep up the standard!
YellowFever said:
Are we lost here guys?

This is classic - it's like the pic that describes my life, let alone a day's outing - I love it !!!!!

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