The adventures of Slovac & Staffie (PART 2)

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Race Dog
Apr 3, 2008
Reaction score
by the /\/¯¯¯¯\/\ @ the 'C'
We started in Brackenfell (WC) on Friday afternoon at 3pm in lovely  :sunny: weather and headed towards Stellenbosch.
From Stellenbosch via Somerset West towards the pass to Hermanus... This is where the fun started - wet wet wet has a whole new meaning. Ag I suppose a litre of water in each (supposed to be water proof) boots is not that bad considering that even our suits (supposed to be water proof) was drenched in water.
Anyway - throttle open and wind dry as much as you can.
It was a lovely ride to Hermanus where we stopped for a quick smoke break and then headed off to Pearly Beach via Stanford then Gansbaai and past Uilenkraalsmond.
We reached Pearly beach at just after 5pm and headed for the tumble drier, drying rack and sun !
Had a great night chatting in front of the fireplace and the next morning at 7am we headed towards Cape Agulhas.

The road was so quiet at that stage that we decided to park in the road and take a picture of the sun rise.

bikes next to the road just before we left.

nice picture of the end of the tar road - note the stop sign just above the sun rise... LOL

bikes next to the road just before we left.
From Pearly Beach we headed towards DIE DAM and took the gravel - or shall I say MUD road towards Struisbaai. Mud - yes lots of MUD. Lovely road none the less and lots of fun.

After about an hour of mud and sand, dodging water puddles and watching the lush green landscape we reached the T junction and turned right towards Struisbaai.
I never thought I'd say this but I was glad to see a tar road for a change... Radiator full mud and boots turned light brown from black.

Finally we made it !
The bikes parked next to the 'monument'.

For those of you that have never been here - read this....

Slovac and Staffie infront of the memorial - Indian ocean and Atlantic ocean.  :laughing4:
3 guesses who rode infront... mud all over the front of Slovac's GS - appologies mate !

Proof that we made it.​
The road back was just as nice although it took us more an hour to wash all the mud off and not to mention the two hours of cleaning boots and gear.
We left again on Sunday morning from Pearly Beach towards Cape Town and had (this time fortunately) a nice sunny ride back home.
In total the trip was just over 500km.
If the road went any further - we would have gone further as well...

:thumleft: Thanks to SLOVAC for the guidance and making this a ride to remember !
Just a correction on the distance traveled:
  165km to Pearly Beach
+ 110km to Agulhas
+ 95km back to Pearly Beach (took a shortcut back)
+ 165km back home

Like Staffie said, it was a lekker weekend.  Lekker stormy wet weather on Friday, mud on Saturday, sunshine on Sunday.

Oh, and a very Happy birthday to Staffie!!  :thumleft:
Very nice report..... jislaaik it shows a pic doesn't have to be big to be good.