The rebirth of a legend - Yamaha IT490 restoration!!

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Jun 1, 2010
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After about 20 years of looking I finally found an old banger to do as a restoration. I had the opportunity a few times over to get my hands on an IT490, but none were in the condition I was looking for. Something that was neglected, but still ran. was owned by a bloke who didnt realy know or appreciate what he had to start with!! And finally at the begining of last year I found said specimen!!

I am starting to do the sandblasting and will be getting the paint for the various bits in the morning... In the mean time here is a start to what I have done... in no particular order(for now) from a badly running bike to a box of bits.....

Its taken a little over a year to start on this project, and finally I am under way!!

on the way home after handing over a few bob!!....


A few "before photos"



And the idea behind this resto project, is to get it fairly close to original, but to have a few changes to put my stamp on it as it were, alot like this one from the states... what a beauty eh!!


Turns out this bike comes from OZ?? Well, made there at least!!

I spent a few hours scraping off the old plastic to get to the new blue underneath.... A pain in the ass job that takes forever!!

And this is about a whole days worth of scraping and sanding.... Sometime these restorations are a fekin pain!!, but its starting to look pretty good!!

Turns out the carb float had a leak and was full of fuel!!

And the rest of it seemed to be full of wonder the thing hardly ran at all!!

in having a good look at the airbox, which as it turns out, has not air filter of any kind, i discover this "modification" to the lid. What dumb shit though of this idea??

All I can say is....

Sadly this alternator cover has taken a heavy knock and has been repaired with pratleys or something!! I had originally thought to leave it as is and just spray it black, but knowing my luck I will bin it miles from home and break the damn thing good and proper, so I am going to have a new one billet machined out of aluminium.


Well, as much I would love to continue with this project, I cant at the mo as two jobs are more than enough to keep me busy and I dont have the time for anything else, let alone this project! So I am selling the lot as a work in progress!!

Check it here
