The Riemvasmaak Run - Reloaded

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Crap, PP, you spent 7 months in that p##splaas. More respect due!!!!

Was also there during 78 to 80 but during Basics or opfok because we went on "mass" AWOL in 1979 or for "boetie op manoerves" before we went up North.

Dont want to hijack such an epic RR but I have this bee in my bonnet/fairing that I would one day like to retrace my tracks of my Diensplig & Kamp days. It is some 25 or 30 years ago but this RR has just hastened that process to get off my ass and do it.

Thanks for that !!!
No worries mate! I still want to do Otavi (SWASPES) & Ogongo + surrounds :thumleft:
Nice report, thanks for sharing. I loved seeing Kenhardt again.

Spent many a holiday on the feldspar mines with my dad in those parts.
Just saw this one riemvasmaak was a really nice experience for me and we found it by chance... We did the loop around it next day... Very scenic part of our country
Nice one Pete  :thumleft: Some familiar pictures.
Lekker vir 8 SAI!

Riemvasmaak kop now look smaller!

In 1976 an Impala Aircraft crashed at Riemvasmaak during night attacks.  Two pilots died that night; Majors Barry Moody and Jock Kerr.

It is a great place to visit.



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