The road to Diepgezet

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Race Dog
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
BMW (all models)
On a trip one morning on the Gautrain, with my regular travel partners, one of the ladies asked me if I would be willing to drive to Nelspruit to photograph a matric dance. I immediately said yes, knowing full well that Strompie and I will be bonding again. I have been looking for an excuse to visit Swaziland, and now I had one.

I left early on the Friday morning from Pretoria. At the first robot, two Honda 125’s pulled in either side of me. All starry eyed they drooled over the fully laden Strom. I’m sure we have two future dogs right there! The traffic irritated me and I just wanted to be clear of it. I wrenched the throttle and quickly the traffic was but a reflection in my mirrors. On the N4, I stopped at the Rose Haven just past the first toll gate. I tried a different location for my GPS, but realized it was a mistake. I moved it to where it will now always live and had a quick cup of coffee. Today was going to be a boring stretch of tarmac to get me to the Swazi border. In Bethal, I had a quick breakfast, and headed in the direction of Amsterdam.

How many of you will recognize the reference to Bohemian Rhapsody ?

I filled up, bought a Coke, and asked the petrol attendant how far to the border. “17km” he said.. That was the right answer! A few minutes later I arrived at the Nerston borderpost. R50 road tax, and not more that 5 minutes, I was in Swaziland.

I did a quick 'flag-sticking' ceremony.


Almost immediately the road went to pot. They are re-doing a section of the road, so I finally had some gravel to travel on. I booked into the Forresters Arms hotel and I got room 007. As I unpacked, I took a quick shower and went for a walk. I saw the hiking route takes you deep into the plantation, so I went to fetch the bike, and just disappeared. I was truly a magnificent break from where I was earlier today. I sat there and drank in the silence. Later a Dutch couple meandered past so I decided to head back. The food at this hotel is absolutely top drawer! Man alive, dinner was a feast. I turned in early, for I was heading for a beautiful section of road the next day.



On Saturday, after breakfast, I mounted my bike again and headed towards Mbabane. This was quite a nice stretch of road, where I even had time for a quick geocache. Just before the Oshoek border post, I pulled into the Ngwenya glass to buy a few presents, before heading out. Oshoek was a bit more crowded, but still clearing the post took no longer than ten minutes. About 6km further on, the sign Diepgezet beckoned. I turned right, and gingerly set off. I was in no hurry.


I stopped frequently to buy cool drinks or to chat to the locals. The road is incredibly scenic, and I vowed I would return one day, and take it even slower. The road is not technical, although my Anekees did not like the small marble-like rocks. Parts of the road were also ‘fixed’ with sand of all things. I don’t like sand. At all. As I approached the ghost town of Diepgezet, I tried to imagine what life must have been like in this town’s heyday. I parked the bike and just revelled in the silence. If I did not have an appointment in Nelspruit, I would have stayed here much longer than I did.




The last bit of the Diepgezet pass is really a spectacular piece of road. Twisting and turning I crested at the R40. I stopped, objecting to the gravel ending. Ahead lay a few twisties and then the road to Nelspruit. It was over all to soon.


After my photography duties, I headed back to Pretoria via the N4. I will definitely come back for this pass, but next time after the rains. I’m sure the scenery there must be a thing of beauty. Till next time.

Near Belfast

Nice pics!
Diepgezet Pass is  fantastic. The old mining town gives me the creeps...... :eek7:
Went to Diepgesecht about 2 years ago with a few mates on bikes and agree. It is something special to just walk around this ghost town in the dead silence and imagine what it was like 12 years ago.
My mates from Nelspruit take a few cases of beer now and then and go and play the old nine hole golf course in its delapidated state as a day out. What a jaul.
I cant believe that nobody has come up with some money and resurected this old town and made it into the best weekend getaway place you will ever want.
Give me tomorrow evening's Lotto numbers and let's do it !
Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing  :thumleft:
Lekker  :thumleft:
Strompie, have you got the Route maps to this place? Or even just the waypoint of the ghost town itself
Kort en kragtig

lekker geskryf en baie mooi fotos  :thumleft:

lyk my ek sal maar daai wereld moet kom verken...
Slaaiblaar said:
Is that town completely dead ( no locals ) ?

Nada! There was a guy operating a boomgate, so, not sure if he stays nearby, but not a soul in sight and I went up and down that road a few times.
Strompie said:
Slaaiblaar said:
Is that town completely dead ( no locals ) ?

Nada! There was a guy operating a boomgate, so, not sure if he stays nearby, but not a soul in sight and I went up and down that road a few times.

Sounds like Chernobyl  :deal:
Mikie said:
Sounds like Chernobyl  :deal:

Very close, it was an asbestos mine and was closed because of all the health issues. When I was in the army one of my friends' father worked on the mine. We went there one weekend to play golf, squash, swim etc. There were a lot of amenities and, although very small, the town was thriving. Would be interesting to see it again in its present state ... 
Man, I like your scoot, so sorry I sold mine some time ago. They are very competent bikes and an allrounder.
I have downloaded your route and must visit that area during the next month or so.
Thanks Nicobie. I love my scoot too.  :biggrin: Planning a monumental ride next year. Can't wait.