THE ROAD TO HELL ..... and back (part 8 THE FINAL CHAPTER now up)

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Rynet said:
Buff said:
Julle beter gou maak en die ding gaan klaar ry want julle gaan soos poepols voel as Rynet dit gaan ry op haar GS  ;)
:imaposer: :imaposer: haha daar is geen manier dat ek die Road to Hell op my GS 1200, of op enige bike sal doen nie.

Ek sal dit los vir die hard core manne soos Beserker en 2 Stroke Dan   :mwink: >:D, en sien uit na die RR .  :drif: :drif:

Ps, en as dit kom by die reels stem ek saam met Beserker , dink die mans mag mekaar stoot .  :biggrin: :biggrin:

Jissie ! Jy is aspris  :imaposer:
Soos ek gese het, jy sal moet gestoot word, of jy daarvan hou of nie!  :p

Indien jy met 'n >180kg bike daar in ry soebat jy vir 'n stoot! Mark my words...  :deal:
Michiel said:
Soos ek gese het, jy sal moet gestoot word, of jy daarvan hou of nie!  :p


ja maar julle mag mekaar nie trek nie , hoor , ek dink om toue te gebruik is cheating .  :p
Kan julle moegoes nou ophou stry oor wie moet stoot en wie moet trek :bueller:

Gaan ry nou die donnerse ding en kry klaar...sal genoeg tyd wees na die tyd vir al julle Broke Back Mountain aktiwiteite :pot:
I'm just thinking here about possible bikes that is roadlegal and will not kill you on the ride there and back.
Would a Suzuki DR 350 then not be a good choice? 141 kg wet.
A DR350 would be an excellent choice!

The more I look at this thread, the more I think that this road will be a walk in the park. It will be fairly easy, since Michiel told me it is like Matroosberg, just steeper. And Matroosberg is no serious challenge.
Many people do not realise how capable a Yamaha makes one.
2StrokeDan said:
:laughing4: :laughing4:, ek moet mos gatkrap, hier mag die mans mekaar mos stoot :imaposer:

Vir my sal jy nie stoot nie ok. Trek miskien, maar geen gestootery nie.  ;D
Hierie besigheid klink vir my na Brokeback Mountain in die Richtersveld!!! :eek7:
Almal praat net van die gestootery!!! :imaposer:
Orangeswifty said:
Ek stoot geen ander man nie!
Maar as jy daai pas wil gaan ry en uitkom gaan jy gestoot word of jy nou wil of nie :eek7: :imaposer: :deal:
Sorry, I don't understand the whole RTH issue.
8 grown up men have been there and did not go down that road because they thought it is not doable on the bikes they had.
That's fair enough and no harm was done.
Next there might be a guy with a plastic or trials bike and he will ride it with ease. Then comes an oke on a DS bike and he does it it with pushing, pulling and so on from his mates.
What does it prove? Nothing! If you can't ride it with your own DS bike and without assistance, it is not rideable for you.

Try to do a long DS ride on a plastic or trials bike. Wouldn't make sense either.
DirtyHarry said:
Sorry, I don't understand the whole RTH issue.

Because it is not about the egocentric is about doing a ride, less ordinary, as a team, and making it.

Without that Everest would still be un-climbable, and the Nile unchartered.

If you are only allowed to do what "you" can do on your own, your bucket of "must do" rides will be quite empty.
For me its a personal challenge - I have been there twice and both times I have had to turn back - I must ride down there and back up on a motorcycle - its my "thing" to do

Have you ever failed at something and thought "Fuck that ! I can do this !" and then gone back and enjoyed success

The RTH is certainly not insurmountable - I rode worse stuff on my KDX while racing enduros but that was on a 100 kg KDX - not a 200 kg + DS bike that I rode to the enduro with all my kit, did the race, and then rode home again

I know I can do this - if it doesn't kill me it will make me stronger
Powerflow Justin said:
For me its a personal challenge - I have been there twice and both times I have had to turn back - I must ride down there and back up on a motorcycle - its my "thing" to do

Have you ever failed at something and thought "Fuck that ! I can do this !" and then gone back and enjoyed success

The RTH is certainly not insurmountable - I rode worse stuff on my KDX while racing enduros but that was on a 100 kg KDX - not a 200 kg + DS bike that I rode to the enduro with all my kit, did the race, and then rode home again

I know I can do this - if it doesn't kill me it will make me stronger

It's always easier to do difficult/dangerous things when help is not too far away IE enduros of which I have done to. The biggest challenge to me is the "what if" scenario. Imagine someone half way up or down losses their balance, puts a foot down but the rock rolls and the leg goes in between another rock and hard place and breaks badly and is an open fracture. I'll leave the rest up to any rational thinker as to how serious this situation is. Sure on any ride we run the risk of breaking bones or doing other serious injuries but I think with regards to RTH that the risks should be calculated carefully first and then sometimes it's just better to walk away and live to ride another day.  :peepwall:
xTzar said:
Powerflow Justin said:
For me its a personal challenge - I have been there twice and both times I have had to turn back - I must ride down there and back up on a motorcycle - its my "thing" to do
Have you ever failed at something and thought "Fuck that ! I can do this !" and then gone back and enjoyed success
The RTH is certainly not insurmountable - I rode worse stuff on my KDX while racing enduros but that was on a 100 kg KDX - not a 200 kg + DS bike that I rode to the enduro with all my kit, did the race, and then rode home again
I know I can do this - if it doesn't kill me it will make me stronger
It's always easier to do difficult/dangerous things when help is not too far away IE enduros of which I have done to. The biggest challenge to me is the "what if" scenario. Imagine someone half way up or down losses their balance, puts a foot down but the rock rolls and the leg goes in between another rock and hard place and breaks badly and is an open fracture. I'll leave the rest up to any rational thinker as to how serious this situation is. Sure on any ride we run the risk of breaking bones or doing other serious injuries but I think with regards to RTH that the risks should be calculated carefully first and then sometimes it's just better to walk away and live to ride another day.  :peepwall:
+ 1 xTzar. Without good evaluation you don't grow old.
Powerflow Justin said:
For me its a personal challenge - I have been there twice and both times I have had to turn back - I must ride down there and back up on a motorcycle - its my "thing" to do
Have you ever failed at something and thought "Fuck that ! I can do this !" and then gone back and enjoyed success
The RTH is certainly not insurmountable - I rode worse stuff on my KDX while racing enduros but that was on a 100 kg KDX - not a 200 kg + DS bike that I rode to the enduro with all my kit, did the race, and then rode home again
I know I can do this - if it doesn't kill me it will make me stronger
No offence guys. I didn't criticize your attempt.
I understand that you want to go back there and do it. I would feel exactly the same.
For me personally, the bill would only be settled if I could make it due to my own riding skills, without outside help.
The easy way on a plastic, the hard way on a heavy DS bike.
But this is just my egocentric way of thinking.
It might be more fun to reach the river within a big group, have a nice piss-up and return home.