Time out in Namibia

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Dit lyk na 'n lekker trip.
Nam is definitief op my bucket list.  :thumleft:
Rocky58 said:
In the gents there is a sign that sais do not open the box .
you don't tell a wild dog what he can do and what cant do
I opened it
I had a shock machine in it that shocked the shit out of me

There was a bell that rang when you opened the box and you then have to buy around.
Heard no bell , never had to buy drinks , but they caught me good and proper .
Dragonfly-XC said:
Dragonfly-XC said:
:spitcoffee: Dorsland het 'n punt beet, 'n regte Mr. Holmes. :3some:

:sip: En Jakkalas is die forensiese tegnikus :deal:

I saw that one coming . . . first the oysters then the camel (ehm) "feet" at Swakop, then the hot chick pillion . . . there were always gonna be two plates  . . .
Ja soon we are going to be reading about Rocky's Nkandla 2 to house all his wives  (and children) :imaposer:

En Jakkals jy moet bietjie forensiese ondersoek doen oor hoekom Rocky nou skielik al sy BMW twatsuits verkoop.    Mmmmmmm the plot thickens  (in Afrikaans:  die kleinhoewe verdik  :lol8:)
Nice one Rocket. How many more training runs before you can take me with on the next trip ?
Great planning! Almost ran out of fuel twice, but always had beer! Brilliaaaant!!!
Lekker trip! Lekker report ook.
Awesome trip. Hopefully this time next year I will be on my way. I will riding from PMB in KZN :spitcoffee:
I am gatvoll.......
need to do another trip up to Namibia . Mind you it is so dry here in the East Cape it feels a bit like Namibia .
Rocky58 said:
I am gatvoll.......
need to do another trip up to Namibia . Mind you it is so dry here in the East Cape it feels a bit like Namibia .
Dankie dat jy weer die een laat herleef het. Het nou lekker saam met jou gery. Ek is n oud Suidwester en ken daai wereld baie goed, man ek verlang nou terug.
FJR said:
Rocky58 said:
I am gatvoll.......
need to do another trip up to Namibia . Mind you it is so dry here in the East Cape it feels a bit like Namibia .
Dankie dat jy weer die een laat herleef het. Het nou lekker saam met jou gery. Ek is n oud Suidwester en ken daai wereld baie goed, man ek verlang nou terug.
Self lus om my goedjies op die bike te gooi en n Nam tjap in my paspoort te loop kry. Enige Nam grenspos sal doen dankie. Blerrie petrol wat so duur is bederf mens se pret. :(