Tjokker - Tjommies Rally

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Race Dog
Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
This is a rally (read: fun family day) as fund raiser for the Pre-School of my cousin's wife.
The race was held in the pristine town of Reitz, about 80km north of Bethlehem in the Eastern Freestate. My hometown ;D
The route was made up of 4 rounds of about 30km each, with the first being a observation lap.
I Have been looking forward to this since I missed last years event. Unfortunately my KTM got a nice hole burned into the piston due to me playing around with the jetting. :-[ :-[
I the decided to just go as a spectator this time, but two days before I was to leave for my Parents place, a friend offered me his CRF450R to use.
I have ridden his bike before, but nothing as serious as an enduro, thus it was with some apprehension that I accepted his offer.

Unfortunately I do not have many photos, but these are a few that the local photographers took.
Saterday 20 September 2008 dawned overcast and cool, as only the Eastern Freestate can get. But nothing is gonna dampen my spirit today, my first ever enduro type event.

The riders briefing. Can you see the worry on my face?  :biggrin:

As the time for for the start draws nearer, the butterflies of anticipation got worse but excitement overshadowed even that.
We were dispatched 2 at a time with approx 15sec separation. AND AWAY THEY GO!!!!!!


Boy was I in for a surprise!!  :eek:
Even though this was only the observation lap, I was knackered with in 5 km from the start. Arm pump!!!!!! I could barely hang onto the throttle  :eek: :eek:
But MAN, this is fun!!!!
The race is run in between the cultivated lands of the local farmers and the route is marked very nicely. The route has some great variety but is very fast.
The mud hole was right at the start and the only place where the photographers camped out but a lot of fun was had here.

Like a monkey in a tree!!  ;D



Young and old had a lot of fun and a helping hand is never far off. There were a junior and a separate senior route.


Thrills and spills



But this is the bike of the day for me!!  :thumleft:

Dirty!! :biggrin:

But, alas I could not complete the race, as I ran out of talent about halfway trough the race.
9 out of 10 times I would have walked away from a fall like that without any mark, but I just fell badly.
Coming out a corner the bike just slipped from under me an my ankle got trapped between the ground and the foot-peg with the full weight of the bike snapping the ligaments in my ankle. ::)  (Hi Maya!  ;D)


Got on the bike and limped home.

But even this could not detract from the awesome experience I had!!!!!
It was brilliant and will do it again next year.  :thumleft:

Respect! That mudhole looked very tiring.

Lovely pic of the 600R. Looks in very good condition, I just love them.  That would be a dream bike if it had the 23" front wheel from the XL500S (in the days they made the tyres). 