Trail to Gwaing River where I verdwaaled

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Race Dog
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Kawasaki KLX 400SR

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Well this is George and we don't have any trail routes to keep my bike busy. So today is a lekker vakansie dag and
they called this day Freedom Day (i think)

So to orginise my trip I called a couple of farmers that I know personally and asked their permission to go onto
their farms to get the the Gwaing Riverbed on the other side. I phoned around and permission was given.

Today my route will take me from Heatherpark towards Blanco and I will turn off on the Gwaing intersection before
you get the lekker kuierplek called "die Bosvark". Then I will cross the airport road and went towards the south
using only trail routes to end up at Gwaing river. But I verdwaaled along the way so my destination was never


Here the Gwaing Road meets the old airport road. I just went over the airport road and continued


This trip was only to be short and sweet so I took a lot of photos
The road continued according to plan but I've got lost somehow along the way. I took the
first "afdraaipad but that ended up baie confusing and i was totally deurmekaar. With no
gps and only my internal compass I was totally verdwaaled. So I took the trail as it goes
and hope that this was the farmer's land that i've spoken to over the phone. With this
hope in my head I continued my journey to the unknown. Best of all is that the journey is
only 5 Km from my house so it's adventure on your doorstep!!!


Now the road became what I am fimilliar with. TRAIL RIDING!!!. My bike felt at home. We
crossed a river and I had a lot of oopsy daisys but now it was jol on the hol




According to the farmers this route or if it is this route I won't know was the old route going from George
to Herolds Bay. Now my bike was in it's element. It was easy to handle and was quick to respond and if i
was tresspassing it did not make a huge noise. By this time I switched off the bike and took it silent
downhill. The road came towards a Stream and it started to look like a normal gravel road again.


Me crossing the "i don't know the name" river


Suddenly I am back on track going via the Gwaing river road and I searched for the Right Turn
going inside Oom George se grond. I had to cross the Highway tunnel



I continued with this road untill I got to a dead end. Now it was back to basic Trail riding. I
took a road I think that would lead to somewhere


As you can see this is the thing I like to do with my bike. Vergeet lang grondpaaie! This is the
life!!. I came from the backround branches and like Trail rider said that I've your helmet was not
full of Leaves than you did not trail ride!. Well my helmet was full of spinnerakke and leaves.



There was a lot of dongas where i had to pull my bike up towards the next road. This is why I like the
small 125. I can pick up the bike without let it fall to the ground. By now I reached the end of this road
because I found a obsticle that i cannot overcome. And this was an amazing railway bridge. I took off
my cellphone and accessed Google Maps and found my Direct position using my Phone GPS and
Google maps. I was at the railway bridge of the Gwaing river.



Now I am lost. I verbeelded my that Oom George told me to ride over the railway bridge. But it's too hoog for me. I
lei aan hoogtevrees. So I turned around and went back towards another trail that i don't know where it goes


By this time I was completely verdwaal. I did not know where I am. So I decided to put on the GPS
from my phone and just there my phone said " battery pap....koop another foon!" Now I took a
lekker break and just started to look around for the nearest exit.

So I had to postpone this lekker trip to saturday while I can do my home work to get a proper route
planned before I attempt this road again. Just scared that I might be tress passing.

So I head towards the nearest trail route offramp and went back towards the Airport road



Today was a quick trip and I've only done 35Km for 2 hours but it was unbelievable to not knowing
where you have to go and without using a GPS. This ride will continue on saturday morning

Nice clear photies Cassie what camera do you use.Having fun even on the old 125. ;D
Lekkerrrr! Jy moes oor daai brug gegaan het man - moenie afkyk nie :)  Neem fotos NA die tyd!
Cassie, dit lyk na 'n moerse lekker roete. Wanneer ek in George is moet jy asb die roete vir my wys.
Enige tyd.  Ek ken die boere so ons het die go ahead.  Ek gaan weer saterdag dit verder ry tot by die gwaing mond.  Ek dink ek sal oor daardie treinbrug moet ry
plonker dis sommer cheap kodak 12 Megapixel mik en druk
Marnus ek loop so ent op die brug en paas amper uit.  die brug is deursigtig.  laat my amper dink aan die bloukransbrug se bridge walking! sal baie branewyn moet drink net voor ek daai brug oorsteek
cassiebotha said:
sal baie branewyn moet drink net voor ek daai brug oorsteek

Ja! Steek hom oor die brug!  >:D
Saterdag is die dag vir oor die brug steek.  ek skraap moed bymekaar solank
Lekker Cassie.
Ek wil ook daai roete traai. ;D
Dr Dirt.  Hoe klink saterdag of sondag.  As jy reg is sal ek reg wees.  Sal met oom George reel net die hele roete kry.  Dit loop baie deurmekaar dat ek wat deurmekaar is vanselfsprekend nog meer deurmekaarder geword het met al die afdraai paaie
cassiebotha said:
Dr Dirt.  Hoe klink saterdag of sondag.  As jy reg is sal ek reg wees.  Sal met oom George reel net die hele roete kry.  Dit loop baie deurmekaar dat ek wat deurmekaar is vanselfsprekend nog meer deurmekaarder geword het met al die afdraai paaie

Ek is op vakansie in Margate sal eers Maandag terug wees in George. Sal met jou nog reel. :thumleft:
Cassie, daai was nou lekker verdwaal. Jy laat my elke keer giggel met jou brabbeltaal, somehow werk dit!  :thumleft:

Sterkte met die brug!  :eek:
ja gps op my foon toe ek wil kyk toe is my battery pap soos slap meliepap
Did that route with Smithy late one evening  about September last year.
I'll join you on the wife's 200, depending on whether there is surf. 
wave rider where I go there will always be a  surf.  Kom join my saterday :)
Surfing on land, surfing on water, surfing in the air!
cassiebotha said:
wave rider where I go there will always be a  surf.  Kom join my saterday :)
Surfing on land, surfing on water, surfing in the air!
just need to make brackets for the bike then the surfboard can goalong
Get the Gaing river mouth at the right time with the right conditions
and you've got afair wave.
Definitief glenink maar daai padkaart sal ek moet teken want hulle wys nie daai paaie nie.  Glenink ek voel juis nou sleg want ek het getoet en gevlash vir die swart transalp bike.  Die ou moes seker gedink het daar is 'n moerse copraide aan die gang voor in die pad.  Wave rider is surfing maklik?
Ek hardloop eerder weg vir die water as na die water.  I did once tried bodyboarding, kyk i can swim goed but my voete cramp unbelievabally and it just cramp aanmekaar.  I've seen a guy on a scooter with a surfboard mount. 
Cassie moenie worry nie ! Ek dink TR is by die huis omrede Gryph wat saam met hom gery het is nou so uur terug by die huis ! So dit klink asof almal veilig by die huis gekom het !  :thumleft: