Transalp XL650V

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Grey Hound
Aug 30, 2006
Reaction score
I have had this bike for about 2 months now incl a long distance trip to Elliot in the Eastern Cape. In total i have done about 4000 km's incl the long trip, commuting and a bit of dirt. While no expert on the TA, having ridden bikes for 30 years i got a fair amount of knowledge to call on etc.

This bike origonally belonged to skillie's wife , then kykdaar bought it and then we swopped bikes in Janaury 2009. Dont tell him but i think i scored in the deal  :thumleft:  My circumstances changed hence i needed a bike capable of 2 up touring and he was looking for a thumper ...  I got the TA fully loaded , only thing not on it is a pipe which i will get one day. (mebbe)

Lets look at the cons first :

Engine Power : eish it is a bit pap for a 650 , the DL mill is a peach , the XL mill is bit of a limp wristed. Torque is flat as a table though ,although the prverbail skin of the rice pudding ....  i was aware of this pre the swop having done so homework and was going to do some power enhancing mods  but have decided against it .. i kinda grown to like the smooth power delivery from low down . i have had it to 184 on my gps and i dont think i wanna go faster these days. But ja its a good 15hp down from where it should be i reckon.
Fuel consumption : Typical of big hondas this chows juice when giving it carrots fully loaded. high 12's low 13's is the worst , about 17 is the best.(per litre)
Lots of stuff to take off when giving it a good clean.
Built in spain , not sure it is of the same hoigh quality one gets from japan.

Only cons i can think of , now for the P:ros:

Comfort: Most comfortable bike i have ever ridden ,damn i have done prolly in excess of 50 long days in the saddle on all sorts of bikes and this one is the most comfortable i have ever ridden. its a pleasure to ride. 2 up riding no problem.
Nimbleness:  while bike it is fairly light an nimble, comfortabe in the traffic.
Solid: solid dependable bike , put in key and start. Not had a single issue with it , although kykdaar did have an issue or 2 i trust they sorted now. These mills last long time and rarely grenade.
Handling : while limited on suspension adjustments , this bike handles surprisinlgy well. In the passes of the eastern cape i was having a merry ole time. 2 up suspension battles a bit it must be said and i am too lazy to to adjust the rear suspension which is a mission.
Dirt : Surprisingly good on dirt, limited ground clearance but it aint a plastic. 21 inch up front means it can play a bit. i  have tested the new TA with the 19 inch up front and was also surprised how well it goes.

All in all a great bike and well worth the ownership of one. Seeing as i got it fully loaded i think i will hold onto it for a while. I do miss the uber high speeds of vstroms etc but mebbe its a good thing this cannot go as fast.  :biggrin:  Also the price of bikes having sky rocketed ppl going to hold onto bikes longer , the TA is a good long termer i reckon

Will update this thread from time to time i reckon.

Current/past owners ,, am i on the money here , anything to add?
