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Spot on ou pel wens ons kon dit saam met julle ouens doen, nou waar is Brakkenjan se deel? Het hy al uitgewerk hoe om die foto's van sy kamera af te haal  :biggrin:
Maverick said:
Het hy al uitgewerk hoe om die foto's van sy kamera af te haal  :biggrin:

Probleem is hy weet nie hoe om dit OP te kry in die eerste plek nie  :peepwall:
Fantasties mater! Na ek nou die dag ook met my Moto-X gear in die reën betrap is verstaan ek daai Duct tape oplossing baie goed. Volgende keer ry ek saam! (Hopelik)
Man I enjoyed your RR doubleoseven !  :thumleft:
Can't wait to do the Wildcoast soon! 

doubleoseven said:
Brakenjan of course had no respect for the worlds most respected man. He jaaged straight onto the manicured lawn right in front of the place, blipped that Zaar a few times and then with big bravado parked his bike next to the little bench where Mandela made love to Winnie for the first time. Bloody white agent tendencies.

Hey, Dabbalou!!!!!  Don't you be jadjarrig now, you hear me!!  Out!! Blarrie agent!!  :biggrin:

Nogmaals dankie vir 'n awesome ride tjomma - ek sien uit na die volgende dertig rides...  :deal:  :ricky:

Dankie ook vir die RR - ek reken ten minste 80% van die inhoud is actually waar. Welgedaan tjomma!!  ;D

Jacko said:
Well done, my son.

Very good RR. I still think you need an HP2 though.  :biggrin:

Now for planning a lekker Southern Nam trip together next year...  :mwink:

I agree 100% Jacko - please don't allow him to join you on a Nam trip without an HP2. The words "money" and "mouth" come to mind...   >:D
Dabbelou asked me to post a few thoughts on our respective steeds. This was my first trip with the Zaar as well as Dabbelou’s first trip with his now fully-farkled BMX.  Dabbelou regularly boasts that the acquisition price to farkling costs ratio on his BMX is 1:1, i.e. he has spent just as much money on farkles as he did in buying the bike in the first place.  And it shows – the BMX is now a consummate adventure bike.  I did a few km’s on the bike and immediately fell in love with it – it is literally 100% better than the (almost) stock standard version I collected for Dabbelou from the seller about a year ago. It’s been said many a time on this forum that the 650 class is probably the best suited for adventure biking and I believe that a properly farkled X-Challenge currently rules the roost as the thinking man’s adventure bike.

Interestingly both the Zaar and the BMX showed their (main) weak points at the same time during our trip.  During our camel man adventure (by our standards  :biggrin: ) river crossing on day 2 we first worked together in getting the Zaar across the river and up the steep embankment.  When you are caught between a rock and a hard place (literally) during a river crossing, it sometimes is very difficult to balance yourself to kick start the Zaar.  Yes, once you learn the trick it always starts on the first kick but it will never beat a happy button. Klaar.

The BMX however does not come with a back up kick starter.  During the same river crossing, after the umpteenth stalling and restarting, the BMX’s battery started giving us notice that it wouldn’t stand much longer for the punishment we were handing out to the starter motor.  This gave us quite a skrik as the implications of a flat battery would have been disastrous.  It would have taken us ages to get it sorted.  A happy button/back up kick start combo is clearly the way to go.

Did I enjoy the Zaar? Hell yeah!!! What a bike?!?! She takes all the punishment I give her with an “is that all you’ve got, big boy?!”-kinda attitude.  Apart from a tendency to run hot during slow technical sections due to the absence of a fan (yes, I know, she’s a desert racer and likes the wind blowing through her hair) she performed flawlessly and any thoughts I had to join the_wes and Blazes on the “Husky is the best bike ever built”-bandwagon are all but gone.  Granted, she is not an accomplished all rounder as is the case with the BMX, but she stirs my deepest emotions whenever I crack the whip.  And face it, we are not riding these two-wheeled things because it is the rational thing to do.  If you ever had dreams of taming a BRP, gooi mielies!!  You won’t be disappointed.
Thanks for sharing 007, great RR and a lekker experience.  :laughing4:

You've reawakened the desire in me to experience the wild coast, but this time on 2 wheels.

I lived in Umtata for a couple of years way back when - around a bout the Arthur Blexley matric farewell. I used to spend my weekends travelling in a pomp mobile (VW camper) with wife and junior to most of the resorts. In those days there were nada tar roads which made the place so inaccessible and kept them special. I know that they were planning to tar the Coffee bay and PSJ roads as they were the most popular destinations. But there were at least a dozen stunning destinations one could choose from. The problem was there was no coastal road, all the roads headed inland, making it impossible to travel north / south. Looking for those paths on an offroad bike must offer an amazing trip. I have heard that Alfie Cox does some tours in the area.

I have been back to Umgazi twice - what a stunning place. Any other WD thinking of an all round getaway with the family, that's the place - fantastic setting, top class meals included (crayfish on a Saturday night), baby sitting services that leave your kids happy as pigs in palestine. Hiking, fishing, wind sports, diving (unofficial), river cruises, tennis snooker, and a beautiful unspoiled beach shared with the odd cow. Used to be very affordable, not sure what the deal is now.

The coast line is breathtakingly different to the other parts of SA. There was a dark period when tourists were warned because of harassment by locals - stone throwing etc. Hope that's all gone now. Definitely on my bucket list!
Thanks for all the friendly feedback from everyone!  :thumleft:

Brakenjan said:
Dabbelou regularly boasts that the acquisition price to farkling costs ratio on his BMX is 1:1

Brakenhond  - "boast" is perhaps not the correct description - terms such as "dissapointment", "anger" "disbelief" etc. rather  comes to mind    :biggrin:
bliksems jy kan n RR skryf as jy moet  :thumleft:

Sommer nou self lus om op te pak en te loop ry.
Awesome, AWESOME trip!!! I also want to!!! (Maybe next year) :biggrin:

Shot guys!!! :thumleft: :thumleft:
Lekker trip ouens, ek is nou so jaloers my hele dag is sommer omgekrap!!
Losper said:
Lekker trip ouens, ek is nou so jaloers my hele dag is sommer omgekrap!!

Dis niks - my hele week is daarmee heen  ;D

Baie nice julle - baie nice.

Thanks for sharing