Two on a Tenere

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Jun 30, 2015
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Yamaha XT600
Hi All, Next week Monday I depart from Nairobi on a 1985 XT600 Tenere with my daughter of ten years as pillion - her first ever 2-wheel overland adventure! We're hoping to cross into SA sometime around 20-24 July having zipped through Tanzania, Malawi, the Tete Corridor, Zimbabwe, the southwest corner of Zambia and then Botswana. Not sure how often I'll be able to update here but check out the FB page, referred to in the video, for Luna-belle's impressions of long days in the saddle and nights under the stars.

Here's a link to the fun intro video, featuring my ballet biker princess. This was shot in Kenya recently. Oh, yes, we live here.

Hoping to see some of you on the road! New horizons, always.

Ride carefully. Are you familiar with the new immigration legislation in SA? You need to present an unabridged (or is it abridged?) birth certificate for you daughter. It can be a showstopper.
A lot of jumping.... of joy and energy  :ricky:

Enjoy this very special trip with each other  :deal:  :thumleft:
Thanks, all!
We're delaying our departure by a day because Luna-belle came down with a head cold and high fever Friday night. She's been real good and stayed in bed for the last two days and she's trying so hard to feel better, because she doesn't want Heidi (my wife, her mother) to worry. Much better now but we'll give her another day to recover. The extra day gives me time also to double-check everything from kit to nuts & bolts on the bike. As Luna-belle says: We take it as it comes  ;)
Oh, yes! Jors Troelie, we heard about the new entry regs and went down to the High Commission here in Nairobi for the affidavits.

You can't just write your own affidavit, no. You have to complete forms they supply and sign it there in front of them. Initially they also said that Heidi, returning with Luna-belle a few weeks after me, had to have her forms signed and stamped in the country from where they will depart (SA). I argued that the form does not replace customs control but merely states that someone gives someone else to travel with a minor without the other's company at a certain date. After discussions with her boss, the lady came back and said her boss says it makes sense, so we could it all here in Nairobi. I tell you, the rate the wheel is being invented by the powers that be...

Anyway, these are the little things that can make or break a journey, so it's best to just grin and bear it, right?