Uitsig Animal Rescue Farm

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Looks like great fun, thanks for posting.

I love this shot:
Hi almal, ekt vanaand n paar pics van my broer se kant af gekry, nog besig om hulle te resize. Paar goeies, veral van die KTM Works Team. 

weereens, baie dankie vir almal se deelname, en bydraes. Ons bikers het darem by verre die ruimste harte wat daar is.

Thanks Jason vir die ride report

en Hayleyscomet, uiteindelik kry ek jou op die site, sorry ekt nie geweet jys al n ou member met n post count twee keer myne nie.....

wat vir my ook lekker was is om te weet dat daar sulke hidden gem paadjies so naby aan die huis is. mens hoef dus nie elke week superbikes en Harleys te dodge nie
Tankwaboer said:
boere said:
Ja Nee daar moet altyd 1 "Koos"in die bondel wees of hoe se ek bus

Sorry guys and girls, I can only plead PUI


Jy is vergewe. Volgende keer - gaan hierheen: https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=43632.560
Ja, en die ge-wheeliery en ge-slaaidery is ook onvanpas op so n tipe rit, en die Jouberts wat die groepfoto so volstaan is ook n bietjie onsmaaklik.
[ek moet egter met BB saamstem, daai slide lyk regtig baie goed]
Hi Guys and Gals

I just joined this forum and it is quite addictive.

Just a huge thanks from myself and the whole Uitsig team. It was amazing! Lem, thanks for organizing this. And to everbody who joined in in bringing food and donations and just riding along, THANKS!

What an amazing bunch of people!

Goodwork Dames and okes for helping :thumleft:

GJ jou windgat.............mooi wielstaan outoppie :biggrin:
Great guys / girls doing this for a good cause  :thumleft:

Sum nice photos also.

JA, dit was great gewees.

Ek het maar met die quad gery want ek kon nie onthou waar ek my bike gelos het nie... ::)

En na ontbyt was ek weer die slagoffer van diefstal...  :xxbah:

My plakkies het... wel... voete gekry, maar ek is seker daar sal 'n pic daarvan uitkom...

Alles het goed gegaan tot ek vir GJ gesien wheelie het... Toe bloei my hart...  :crybaby2:

Anyways, dit was lekker om te kon help met 'n goeie saak.

Ek is mal oor katte, en dit was awesome om in die cattery te sit met al die kieties...

Big Up vir Lem dat jy dit gereel het.
Plesier Bus, dit was baie nice van jou om dit so goed te ondersteun en by te woon, veral na jou misfortune.

ek kry so n idee.........Bus se volgende bike is n Yamaha XT 660.......
Vulcan said:
Hi Guys and Gals

I just joined this forum and it is quite addictive.

Just a huge thanks from myself and the whole Uitsig team. It was amazing! Lem, thanks for organizing this. And to everbody who joined in in bringing food and donations and just riding along, THANKS!

What an amazing bunch of people!


Yes Neels, welkom op die forum

dit is nogal addictive, ja.

smaak my daai Vulcan gaan een van die dae plek maak vir n dual sport........
Lem said:
Vulcan said:
Hi Guys and Gals

I just joined this forum and it is quite addictive.

Just a huge thanks from myself and the whole Uitsig team. It was amazing! Lem, thanks for organizing this. And to everbody who joined in in bringing food and donations and just riding along, THANKS!

What an amazing bunch of people!


Yes Neels, welkom op die forum

dit is nogal addictive, ja.

smaak my daai Vulcan gaan een van die dae plek maak vir n dual sport........

Thanks!  Haha, jy weet dit! Die vraag is nou net, wattter ene???  :)
Here's a few more pics taken from my phone.

Thanks for the lekka day and well done to all the WD that pitched up  :thumleft: The size of the WD's hearts amazing me and make me realise why I enjoying being part of this collective.

1. Nismark drooling over Go Girl's boney  :D
2. Dusty in the cat box... only men can be in the dog box.
3. One of the beautiful Rotties looking for a home.
4. Stunning Boerboel.
5. Lots of pavement specials looking for love.



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Vulcan said:
Lem said:
Vulcan said:
Hi Guys and Gals

I just joined this forum and it is quite addictive.

Just a huge thanks from myself and the whole Uitsig team. It was amazing! Lem, thanks for organizing this. And to everbody who joined in in bringing food and donations and just riding along, THANKS!

What an amazing bunch of people!


Yes Neels, welkom op die forum

dit is nogal addictive, ja.

smaak my daai Vulcan gaan een van die dae plek maak vir n dual sport........

Thanks!  Haha, jy weet dit! Die vraag is nou net, wattter ene???  :)

As iemand vir Vulcan n Long Way Round dvd het om te leen, dan is die koeel deur die kerk
Nee, nee!!!

Net nou koop hy 'n blerrie BM...

wel, met Kawasaki en Suzuki wat uit een handelaar se vloer uitkom, kan Suzuki South seker vir Vulcan n goeie deal doen op n V-Strom  :lamer:

Well done to all for supporting Uitsig.

Some excellent pics  :thumleft: