Val Hotel and Delmas Cave

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Race Dog
Dec 5, 2007
Reaction score
KTM 690 Enduro
Had not ridden with a good friend of mine, Michael, for a long time. Sunday was the day to make amends. We were off to Val (do not ask where) and a place called Moeggeploeg Kroeg, around 100km from Delmas.

After a quick hello and drink at Delmas we made our way along dirt roads southwards. Michael knew the roads well and kept a high pace. It had recently rained which dampened dust and made for a beautiful early Sunday morning ride. The countryside was enough to make one feel truly thankful for such a marvellous country. We made a fuel stop at the 80km mark, as fuel stations for most of the route were scarce. Nothing like riding into the dark interior of the country on roads seldom used, even less by tourists.

Val has to be the smallest town I have ever visited. It probably does not feature on maps which made me feel a better that I had no idea where this place was. The main attraction was the bar and not a church in sight. Just the place for a weary traveller to stop and enjoy some ‘light’ refreshment. Breakfast was Continental English, sorry, getting ahead of myself, two fried eggs, bacon, sausage and a massive piece of toast. Served with a smile and a please stop by again soon hospitality - a gem.

Made our way back to Delmas in double quick time with Michael assuring me that this was a leisurely ride for him, more like flat out according to me. Lunch in Delmas and a waffle and ice cream was on the menu.

A good friend of mine lives in the town so I dropped by to say hi. Before I could finish greeting I was told that I was going on a ride to a cave. No, well fine, let the party continue. Met up with some friends of Gert and in convoy, of quads, we made our way to the ‘prime’ attraction of the area. On our way we did pass some people having a dip in a local farmers dam. Could see clothes on the side of the bank. No, we did not hide them, the thought did not even cross my mind, it was Sunday after all. 

Great riding with Gert as he cannot keep two wheels on the ground at the same time for more than a couple of meters at once. One all of a sudden finds oneself also wanting to join in. Should come with a warning – not to be tried at home, stunts performed by a professional.

On arriving at the cave, it seemed all of a sudden to be some kind of elaborate plan to collect a person for a cult ritual sacrifice. One never knows, the chanting and candles may have been a give away. I immediately pulled out my orange KTM branded key ring and struck them down with fear of a real hardcore biker and who was not to be messed with, let alone offered as a sacrifice. I was saved.

We climbed down a ladder into the cave. I used by Continental tyre pressure gauge to help me – no, I was not checking atmospheric pressure, it has a small torch built into it – I am not that silly! The cave has a huge lake in it and, remarkably, a borehole pipe dropping down into it from the surface – most interesting to see. Enjoyed the unexpected bit of adventure.

Time was running out and I had to leave the ritual, sorry, party and make my way home before it got too late.

A great day, so many great places and to really great friends – grateful thanks.











Very nice ride.
Is that cave on private property?
I think Val for brekkie and the cave on the same day would make a great outing.
Interesting report. Thats the cave were an 8yr old fell in and died I think back in 1982 if my memory serves me correctly.
Thank's for joining Albert --great to have been able to catch up on what has gone on in the last year that seems to have flown by so quickly --

Some pic's i took --was having so much fun i forgot to do the photo thing  ::)

The Railway bridge at Val along the tracks.

Another Railway crossing on route there.

Nice, the cave bring back a lot of memories. From the picture of the entrance and chamber description it is Wetsgat cave. Very unstable cave.  >:D
Use to dive there a lot, can reach a depth of 55m under water. Depending on water table level. Roof very very unstable, air bubbles use to loosen huge chunks of mud and rocks from the ceiling. Instant zero viz. Remember a dive where a buddy of mine got completely pressed into the muddy floor by a large rock and pieces of mud that dropped from the ceiling.
BB the cave you thought of is closer to the road. There is a little plaque at the entrance. We still believe that the person did not drown but got killed by a roof colapse. Happened in the seventies. The body is still in there somewhere.

So guys when you explore places like these, take care. Rather join SASA for your caving experience.

Uncle Blazes, who is that on the PitBike? Behind that ugly whannabee BMW machine on the railtrack.  :pot:
Just some info on Val --

The almost unknown little hamlet of Val about 30 minutes from Heidelberg in Gauteng and only a stone’s throw from Greylingstad on the road to Standerton, is surely one of the smallest, cleanest and most beautiful little towns on the highveld. It has only 28 inhabitants and is really worth a visit. Andre and Rita bought almost the whole town on an auction in 1994, including the dilapidated old “Val Hotel”. This they restored artistically to its original state to what is today the proud Waterval Gastehuis (Waterfall Guest House) with 8 double rooms, antique period furniture and with well-known Afrikaans writers as theme in each room. The guesthouse offers a cozy private pub, large fireplaces and spacious entertaining areas for functions and weddings. The railway station building opposite the street from the guesthouse will soon be available for backpackers and Andre and Rita are restoring adjacent buildings into a curio shop and farmer’s pub.
h²/hh said:
Nice, the cave bring back a lot of memories. From the picture of the entrance and chamber description it is Wetsgat cave. Very unstable cave.  >:D

Ahh thanks, I was trying to remember the name, must be Alzheimer's light kicking in. ;D
So die plek(location) van die grot van genot gaan n gehiem bly?
Nie eintlik 'n geheim nie. Die grot is op privaat eiendom, en as lid van SASA (dit is nou ek, nie die grond eienaar) het ons - SASA - 'n beleid om nie die ligging van grotte wat ons van kennis dra, aan die algemene publiek bekend te stel nie.

More a case of safety, conservation and respect of private property. If any non-members (SASA) want to divulge the information, they are free to do so.

Just a piece of useless information for around the campfire. Wetsgat is the largest known natural underground lake in South Africa.
h²/hh said:
Nie eintlik 'n geheim nie. Die grot is op privaat eiendom, en as lid van SASA (dit is nou ek, nie die grond eienaar) het ons - SASA - 'n beleid om nie die ligging van grotte wat ons van kennis dra, aan die algemene publiek bekend te stel nie.

More a case of safety, conservation and respect of private property. If any non-members (SASA) want to divulge the information, they are free to do so.


Going on a torch n takkie trip into a cave is like an inexperienced rider taking a big bike on a multi day desert ride for the first time. You might not kak on on the first day, but sooner or later, you are going to kak. Big time. And there will be no-one to rescue you.

Rather go with the people who can show you the ropes. (SASA)

Just a piece of useless information for around the campfire. Wetsgat is the largest known natural underground lake in South Africa.

Ja maar jy het vergeet van die Blue Lagoon en een ander in Potties area (nie ficus nie).
Wil nie da ga inspring nie net gedink dit sal n lekker sondag tripie wees, brekfis in Val en dan ga loer by die grot. Maar as dit op privaat grond is bly ek ma liewers da weg