Views on 1200GS from KTM side

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Ama ride ride

Grey Hound
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Palmerston North, New Zealand
Firstly, please note that this post is not meant to start a debate or war between different brands but is merely my view on some comments made to the off road abilities of the 1200GS by the KTM riders, CO, Kamanya and MH.

Why did I buy a GS?
When it was time to upgrade from my trusty Africa Twin I sat down and wrote down two groups of criteria of what I want from a bike. Money was not really an issue then.

First group ? What I wanted out of the bike.
Reliability as it would be a long term ?investment?
Good resale value
Good dealer network
Good client service from dealer
No nonsense warranty
More power than the AT
Better fuel consumption than the AT (2-up heavy loaded touring)
Fair maintenance cost.
Fair running costs
Good 2-up and loaded long gravel road touring abilities
Fair off road abilities.
Good comfort for the pillion (very important)
Proven itself in some way.

Second group ? History of my riding.
I love to ride good mountain passes and twisties (tar) at high speed.
I love trail and sand riding
I love long distance touring with full camping gear
I did 60% tar with my AT
I did 35% gravel (normal to bad) with my AT
I did 5% trail, sand and 2-spoor track riding on my AT

So after putting all the bikes available through the above criteria the 1150GSA/1200GS was the only bike standing as it scored highest points in the first group and about the same as the KTM 950 in the second group. Please bear in mind that my best friend and riding buddy for years owned a KTM950 and I had spend more time on and next to a 950 than on a GS when I made my decision.

My riding style
The number one rule in my small black book are ?Always ride to ride again?. The ?riding again? phase applies to both my bike and myself. My GS is a long term ?investment? So when I go out and play with it in the sand or on trail tracks I ride it with the intention to ride it again. After 22 000km the only ?damage? to my GS because of trail riding and sand playing is a small dent in the left cylinder head protector (Matroosberg 4x4 trail) and a small crack in the right hand protector. (Dune 7, Namibia) 8)

1200GS vs KTM950 on trails and sand
The KTM?s longer and better shocks will of course give it the advantage over very badly rutted gravel, sand whoops and jumps but I cannot see that its better in normal thick lose sand and technical riding. It is therefore silly for a GS try to keep up over very badly rutted gravel, sand whoops and jumps. Just take it a bit slower and a GS will get anywhere a KTM can go. Deep water however is a big no no on a GS. :cry:

Why do people see and think the GS is a moffie off road (read trail and sand) bike? :oops:
Maybe you can help to explain this to me. I believe it?s in the average GS rider?s head that his bike can not go there or he/she is not interested to ride there. Since I got my GS and up till today I rode more with KTM?s than with other GS?s in sand and on technical trails etc. Why? Do I fart too much for GS riders or does KTM riders need a GS to prove themselves? Just joking but it would be interesting to know.