West Coast Flower Tour 7 - 9 Aug

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Tom Du Plessis

Pack Dog
Jun 9, 2010
Reaction score
Howdy Folks!
We are planning a kuier-kuier trip up the West Coast for the long weekend of 7-9 August (the 9th is a public holiday), and decided to open up the invitations to everyone who's interested.  It will be early flower season so we might be spoiled with some insane photo ops ;)

The trip is in the planning stage so some of the details are bound to change, but the gist of it will remain.  It promises to be an easy enough ride for everyone (novices included), with a total of around 700km over 3 days.  About 120km will be gravel (regret no hectic Jeep-trails included  - just normal gravel roads  ;)).  We'll be taking a few pro's along to help you with the gravel-travel if you've never done it before - believe me you can do it  ;)

The plan is to make use of accommodation instead of camping - so if you don't have all the funky camping-gear-that-fits-in-a-jiffy-bag stuff then this trip is for you! We always travel on a budget so the accommodation will be basic (leave the DSTV at home please! ;)).  The total cost for accommodation incl. breakfast and an evening braai (two nights) should be around R400pp (not much, if you think about it).  Final costs will only be confirmed once we have an exact amount of people.

Note: Accommodation is only available for up to 9 people on the first night, so get in quick!  If the 9 places are taken, you're still more than welcome to join us, but you'll have to camp on the first night.  

Deposit:: Due to the fact that we'll be booking accommodation in advance, I'm going to ask for a R200 deposit (my credit card is nearly maxed as it is :().  I would be really grateful if you can confirm by Wed 28 July.  First come first serve!

The trip, at this stage, looks like this:
Day 1 (Map: https://goo.gl/maps/zdHU) 280km
Depart from Somerset West (bright and early!) and make for the Tankwa Karoo National Park.
Note:  I believe that motorcycles are allowed here - will confirm that in the next 24hrs.
Tar all the way except for the last 60km into the park.

Day 2: (Map: https://goo.gl/maps/bv6O) 150km
This is a short road to Clanwilliam (150km), including around 90km of gravel.  We'll take it slow and easy and take lots of photos along the way.
Overnight in Clanwilliam.

Day 3: (Map: https://goo.gl/maps/dDUU) 286km
This is going to be a stunning road including three mountain passes back to Somerset West.  Tar all the way!

Oh and one more thing:  My fiancee travels with me, so it would be really cool if a few more girls would come along  :D

So there you have it!  I will update this post as the arrangements firm up.  For now, please let us know if you're interested in coming along (you don't have to commit yet), and fire away with those questions!

Bos o/
