What has become of today's biking fraternity?

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Race Dog
Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
Knyp Town
AJS (all models)
Having dragged myself through puberty into adulthood (not too sure I am there yet) on bikes, having ridden then since the age of 14, I got to thinking how the motorcycling bunch has changed over the years.
Now I am not one to hold on to the past and I believe change is good, but not when it turns you into a self centered arrogant prick.
My point is, 20, 15, even 10 years ago bikers were a very different crowd of people, back then, anybody who rode a bike was coincided to be the "lower" echelons of society, cars were expensive, bikes were cheap (relatively speaking) so if you could not afford a car, you rode a bike, this ostracization of bikers as lesser mortals served to pull all those on bikes closer together and a true brotherhood existed between those on two wheels.
Through our behavior, we set out to and for the most part, proved to the world in cages that we were not another spices.
Although, thanks to Hollywood, we fought against being the rebels as portrayed in the movies.
The toy run for charity, which every biker now attends was started by us two wheel scoff laws, it was unheard of to see a fellow biker stopped on the side of the road, and a fellow biker just riding past without stopping to find out what the problem was, or not.
Maybe he/she just stopped for a smoke/butt break, but one would stop never the less, and a bit of banter would ensue, another friend made.
If you were lane splitting and a cage moved over in his lane to give the bike room to get through, a wave of the hand as thanks, was always reciprocated.

Today I see a very different attitude, bikers suck and I am ashamed to be on two wheels.
With the increase in bike prices, bikes have gone from being a mode of transport to being a yuppy status symbol, and the attitude has declined accordingly.
I see guys on the toy run because it is cool, I see guys/girls on plenty money latest zoom bikes ride straight past okes on the side of the road without batting an eyelid.
Everyday in the cage on the way to work, I get the ineviatble bike, lane splitting through the traffic, and instead of a hand of thank you when I pull over to make space, all I get is a dirty look as if, what are you doing on my road??? WTF dude.


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