Why would you take a 14 year old boy to Kubu on his own bike???

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Dwerg said:
Mense gaan maar verdeeld wees oor die onderwerp maar toe ek 14 was was my idee van van opwinding om met my linker hand draad te trek. Jou laaitie is gelukkig   :thumleft:
Ai tog ek hoop nie klein Avontiertjie lees die RR nie, want dan is dit nou ou Avontier se onaangename joppie om bogenoemde aan hom te verduidelik :eek7:

Jy is evil Dwerg!! :deal: :eek7: :eek:
The sun was now gone, and we still had around 35 km to go to get to Kubu Island. The headlight on the XL is little more than a candle's worth. There's probably something wrong with the rectifier or something. The 990 and 690 both have HID lights, which might seem a bit unfair. We never meant to ride in the dark, but we were still very much determined to sleep at Kubu. I did bring two small LED bicycle lights as backup, which I then taped to my son's helmet. The plan was for him to keep next to my back wheel to ride in my bike's light. It worked quite well, and we managed a very good pace. The air was crisp, and the lunar landscape in the bright lights, something very special. Absolute bliss. Indescribable. We could have gone on like this for many hours.


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And then finally, and in a way all too soon, appeared the ghostly figures of the majestic baobabs of Kubu Island. There's just something very strange about this place. Almost spiritual.


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The sense of achievement and relief was immense. We quickly set camp, and had a braai and a few hot brandies fit for boere royalty. Life is good.


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We dragged ourselves out of our dens the next morning in time for sunrise.


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We now had two days' worth of riding ahead of us in one day. We had to get to Stockpoort by tonight. But first, breakfast with improvised salt.


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We now took a shortcut back to Mokubilo, hugging the shores of the pans to Mosu. What a ride! We couldn't shake the XL in the twisties.


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The day before, I've noticed a slight oil leak on the engine cover next to the kick starter. A few of the bolts on the cover was loose, which I tightened. It was too late however, and the packing had already been damaged. It now started leaking badly. At Mokubilo we stopped for another quick St Louis, and bought two extra pints of oil.


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From here on it was just the hard work that remained. We stopped for fuel only, and pushed on hard. Tar all the way. Our search for the dirt road shortcut gave us nothing, and we just kept our heads down and swung through. The XL's clutch now started slipping as well, which made overtaking difficult, and the oil leak was progressively worsening. I  now had to refill every hour or so. The daylight faded quickly, and with only 70km left to go, I called Neil to meet us at Mahalapye and load Nelius' bike on the bakkie. It was already dark by the the time we got there, and he had done more than 400km for the day already. He would've finished, were it not for the oil leak. Francois and I then pushed through to Stockpoort in the bushveld night, having a ball sans our luggage, and with the potent HIDs slicing through the darkness. Dinner was a bucket load of Botswana beef fillets. This is Life!


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Can you see WALL-E staring back at him?


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Mev Vis Arend said:
Ek ry saam op die trip.  Jou seun is baie bevoorreg om 'n pa soos jy te hê. 
Sjoe, groot woorde. Baie dankie.
Avontier said:
Mev Vis Arend said:
Ek ry saam op die trip.  Jou seun is baie bevoorreg om 'n pa soos jy te hê. 
Sjoe, groot woorde. Baie dankie.
Groot eer van iemand wat die kompliment kan gee!
En 'n goeie verhouding met jou seun soos jy daar bou is goud werd!
Ek wens meer pa's wil jou voorbeeld volg!
10 uit 10 vir jou maar!
Well done to your son.
It's always a privilege sharing an awesome adventure with ones children.
Pity about all the bike troubles.
Mev Vis Arend said:
Ek ry saam op die trip.  Jou seun is baie bevoorreg om 'n pa soos jy te hê. 

Stem 100% saam. 
My seun is nou16. Ons het al n paar kort trippies gewaag. Ek op my klr voor sou iemand voor ons inspring. Hy moet dan aan ry met sy klr met sy ma agter hom op haar klr. Jammer hulle kannie op 16 al leerling lisensie kry nie. Vraag. Kan hulle op 17 jr leerling lisensie kry vir 650 cc. Die probleme opgetel maak hulle net sterker en om voor te bery vir volgende trip. Alles deel van leerskool
Hijack... praat so van lisensies.
My pensioenvretertjie word Januarie 16.
Hy kan eers aansoek doen vir 'n ID wanneer hy 16 is neem ek aan.
Dus kan hy eers aansoek doen vir 'n leerling lisensie NADAT hy sy ID gekry het of kan hy leerling aansoek doen met sy geboorte sertifikaat ?

Wie weet
Sounds like you guys had a blast.

My son is now 13 and he has a Honda XR125. I would love to be able to do something similar with him, but just local. We stay in Kuruman in NC and could utilise our terrein to go to Vanzylsrus and back. Just a short trip - me and the little man.

I think it is time to start planning and to get him used to this kind of stuff.

You guys have made me excited to try something like this now!
We also started with short trips just to get out of town and onto the dirt road to the farm and back. Around 5 km at a time, some 2 years ago. It gave him the necessary experience and confidence to ride with other road users.

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