Zumo 550 or similar gps Tip

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Race Dog
Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Honda XR650R
Not sure if this has been discussed on here before and many of you probably know this already but it took me an afternoon to figure it out.

Having recently bought a Zumo 550 (Dankie Manic) I set about figuring out how to load my own tracks/routes/waypoints onto the device to plan a trip and then have the gps route you along that. After a bit of trawling the internet it turned out that an easy workaround exists.

The Zumo 550 has a routes function but can't do tracks so if you are planning a trip that includes sections where basecamp can't make a route for you or doesn't want to route the way you want to, you're screwed. You will also find a lot of mention online that the Zumo 550 can't route you along offroad sections as it does not have a "Tracks" function. The method I describe below will allow you to put your own routes onto the gps, including offroad routes that the Zumo typically doesn't recognise as a feature it can route you on.

1)So as per usual you plan your trip in MapSource/Basecamp, I used BaseCamp.
2)You then Export/Send your waypoints to the device via the USB cable.
3) When you turn the device on it will prompt you that "New Data has been found and do you want to manage" it, choose "Yes".
4.1) Now for waypoints you choose the favourites option and they will be stored under "Favourites".
4.2) For tracks you will choose the track log option and it will convert your tracks to routes.
4.3) For routes you will choose the routes option.
5) After importing the data choose "Done"
**If you are importing waypoints, tracks and routes at the same time you will have to import each type before choosing Done**
6) Under "Where To" you will find your data under either "routes" or "favourites". Tracks are saved as routes on the Zumo 550 as it does not have a track function.

Data that you have loaded can also be imported from "Settings>User Data>Import Data" at any time.

NB: To be able to have the gps route you accurately along tracks that you import, make sure that under "Settings>Naviagtion" you set "Route Preference" to "Off Road"

In theory this should work with any gps that has either a "Favourites" or "Routes" function. I suspect that with this method some of the more basic Nuvi models might even accept waypoints if not routes/tracks. I'll test it this week with a friends Nuvi to see.

Hope this helps someone  :thumleft: