Share what works and what not - adventure biking travels

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Kobus Myburgh

Grey Hound
Nov 20, 2013
Reaction score
KTM 640 Adventure
I see quite often 'die ou manne' moaning that nothing is happening on the forum.  I tend to disagree whole heartedly and today, not having beach weather here in Tergniet, I spent a lot of time on the forum and enjoyed it thoroughly.

So ......... I have been riding bikes for quite some time but actually have very little experience, especially in the adventure traveling section.

My eerste langerige trip was saam met BikerJan en ek het maar met my oe gesteel.  Daar het ek gesien mens pak lig, nie soos ek wat die hele huis en kitchen sink in al wat 'n pannier is probeer inpak nie.

Nou ja, nou het ek die +-1,500km die jaar af see toe gedoen en man, was dit lekker!  :ricky:

Now I would like to ask of all the 'ou manne' to share what works and what not on these type of travels.  I enjoyed the preparation as much as the actual ride and am sure there's other guys like me that would like to get it as close to 100% in preparation as could be.

I'll start off with the following:

Tent - my <R500 tent from Makro worked great on the trip
Mattress - those roll up things is not even good for yoga - R99 wasted, correction, will cut it up and use it to line my panniers
Tools - thanks to Maartin at Offroad Touring & Equipment that helped me a great deal.  The under topbox toolbag worked like a charm
GPS - Garmin Zumo 390 with T4A took me everywhere I wanted to go
Mitas E-10's does not give great mileage

Gooi some pics where possible


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