Pack Dog
Here goes my first ride report..
Tuesday, 16 December 2008 dawned, all cloudy and I wondered whether we should set off. But, if nothing else, a breakfast in Cullinan will do me fine. So off I charge from Rietvleidam to Cullinan. Got there way too early, but my buddy Willie (Chuck Norris - not a WD) also pitches early. We tried to find a working pressure gauge to drop tyre pressures - not one at three garages! So I just guessed.
Then it was off to the Wimpy to meet rubiblue O0 for the first time. Didn't take a clear picture but here's one I found on the web, as well as the track. Very little overlay between the planned route and the eventual track. I gotta figure out how to plan a route and then tell the Garmin not to re-route it as we go along!!!
Tuesday, 16 December 2008 dawned, all cloudy and I wondered whether we should set off. But, if nothing else, a breakfast in Cullinan will do me fine. So off I charge from Rietvleidam to Cullinan. Got there way too early, but my buddy Willie (Chuck Norris - not a WD) also pitches early. We tried to find a working pressure gauge to drop tyre pressures - not one at three garages! So I just guessed.
Then it was off to the Wimpy to meet rubiblue O0 for the first time. Didn't take a clear picture but here's one I found on the web, as well as the track. Very little overlay between the planned route and the eventual track. I gotta figure out how to plan a route and then tell the Garmin not to re-route it as we go along!!!