BAVIAANS SLEEPOVER 9 & 10 JULY - Will it be cold ? Now with J-mo's contribution

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Jan 16, 2010
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Port Elizabeth
Yes ! First light Sunday morning around 0700.

That's -2 degrees.

A friend of mine, Innis' family has a farm on the Western end of Baviaans, just inside of Nuwekloofpas, nestled against the foothills of the Mountain. For those who are familiar with the area, its next to Uitspan and opposite Makadaat.

This is the spot.(looking North)

You camp. Water comes from a stream out the kloof to the north-east and the toilet is behind the bush.The Kloof.

The view from the front 'stoep' looking South and South-east. Makadaat is across the valley.

This is a place where you just sit and stare  into nowhere and it sooths the soul. When we get the chance, which is not often enough, we go there to clear our heads. This past weekend Innis, his brother, Mario, their father, Gerhard and his friend, Eldrid, went and of course I go.

That then is the setting around which we did this ride. I've been ahead of myself so lets get to the beginning.

The Winterhoek road from Steitlerville, along the mountain towards Willowmore and throuh the Winterhoekberg to where it joins the Baviaans road West of Nuwekloof, has long been on my bucket list. I asked J-mo and Bie to come along for the ride. I'm not a photo taker as mostly I forget about it while riding. Hense, despite the many trips I've done , this is my first report. I managed a few snaps, which I'll post, while J-mo, who records his rides on video, prepares the real report.

The plan was loosely to ride to Baviaans on Saterday, camp over and then ride back on Sunday, taking J-mo to some spots he's not been before. We were not in a rush and decided to  ride as it went along. It turned out Bie could not join us on the Sunday ride, as he wanted to visit a friend in Willowmore and needed to get back to the farm at Jansenville.

Saterday morning, meeting J-mo at the caltex on Centenary.

We set out for Steitlerville, where we would meet Bie, and it was cold on the bike. By the time we got to Daniell Cheeta farm we decided we need coffee to warm our hands.

Next pitstop is Kleinpoort.(I have to take oxigen supplement now and again)

We were due to meet Bie in Steitlerville at nine, but are running late, and we learn that so is he. We take our time to warm up a bit and then get going. We meet up with Bie at the Royal Hotel where we have a leisurely breakfast. Its a short ride and there's no rush.

We get going and do what we do, ride gravel. There are signs of the recent rains, but the Winterhoek road is in good condition as a result of which we go quicker than I anticipated. We ride slow to enjoy the scenery with the occasional pitstop to drink in the scenery. The weather is beautiful and the air crispy clean.

Somewhere on the road.

Its amazing just to stand and take in this wide open Karoo expanse after weeks cramped up in a office.

Too soon we reach the Baviaans road. Pitstop. I show these foties just for the enjoyment of the wide open space.

Coffee break somewhere down in Nuwekloofpas. This must be one of the most enjoyable rides to do.

We get to the farm late afternoon, unpack, pitch tent and go for a walk up the kloof. There's a big bak up there which Innis and I wanted too look at as there are ideas of fixing it for accommodation.

Getting better acqainted. Bie and Oom Gerhard discovered they had many mutual acqaintences and immediatly chatted away. It made for easy introductions and set the scene for a pleasant evening. J-mo to the right gearing for the cold to come. Standing on the left is Innis' brother, and Innis with his back to the camera. To the left rear is Welile. He who makes it go round and around on the farm.

Before dark Gerhard gets the quad going and Oom Eldrid takes it for a spin. Note J-mo's tent. We did camp and he got cold.

To be continued.
Nou maar toe!! Ons wag!! Ek is amptelik jaloers!!!!! :biggrin: :ricky:

Sien uit na die res

En ek is ook offcially jaloers
You must excuse if I now and again mention the fact that it was cold. It was cold. Nothing like staring into a fire while pondering the meaning of life and wondering when we we going to crawl in our tents and get really cold. This would be delayed as long as possible.
Mario, Bie, Innis and J-mo.

Welile looking after the old peoples' potjie. He tried his best, but with all their interference, it was no surprise it came out charcoal. Can't say if the quality of their advice was influenced by the liquid 'horse ovaries'.

The business. Bie supplied some Kudu sosaties and lamb from the farm that went down well. Not surprisingly Innis and Mario, as well as Welile, opted to share the braai rather than the potjie.

Oom Gerhard was born and raised in the Baviaans and knows all the stories. His business dealings over the years made him to be aquainted with many people around the Willowmore, Steitlerville and Jansenville area and surrounds. He tells a good story.

I was a bit appprehensive about how the evening's socialising would go as you never know when you put people together like this. I need not have feared. We were all like-minded and kuier-ed up a storm. Bie and Gerhard sorting all the problems that may still have been unsorted, in between regailing us with Karoo skandes.

The cold was setting in with a mening and the temparature dropped steadily during the evening. At some point I suggested we go sleep when the guage hits zero or at twelve. It was a mistake.

At seven the evening and about every hour or so thereafter:



And at around eleven thirty, 1 degree

By now it was only J-mo, Bie and myself still up braving the elements. We did spend a pleasant evening sharing experiences and it was great getting to know them better.

By quarter to twelve we capitulated and decided, this is it, bed time. J-mo was going to get very cold. I was ok- two sleeping bags and a mohair blanket. Bie had a freezer suit. He'd be ok too.

We did not sleep much. Lots of seriously loud snoring, intermittendly keeping one another awake, and Innis' very special melody reverbating through the klowe.

Great RR!!! :thumleft:  If you haven't been in the Karoo during winter, then you haven't been to the Karoo.  Lekker koppie koffie met so 'n skoot .......  in maak jou mos van binne warm.  Keep it going. :biggrin:
It seemed we all got a bit of sleep in the early morning hours. It may be crazy camping in the Baviaans in the dead of Winter, but it makes for a memorable trip.

I was up first light to get the evidence.

We wanted to leave by eight, but there was no chance. J-mo and Bie's tents were frozen over. That's ice from Bie's tent fly sheet.

Our planned ride for the day would be changed as we got away a bit late(due to the cold). I did not envy J-mo and Bie having to pack frozen gear. I left mine there for Innis to pack later and bring home. What are friends for if you can't abuse them.

We got away at nine and took the gravel road from Baviaans to Uniondale for breakfast and a final decision on the days ride. Some nice scenery on the way taken towards the Kammanasie mountains. Did I mention my photographic prowess. It took a special effort to put that game fence smack in the middle of the pic. Sorry. Once again, its nice just to stop now and again and just savour the privilege of living in our beautiful country

Breakfast at Uniondale.

We were already late in our initial planning for the days ride and the plans would change, as I usually do and just ride what we can. After a leisurely breakfast we said goodbye to Bie, who would head home to Jansenville.

Today was J-mo's ride and I would guide him on some roads he'd not done before. In our discussions before the trip he said he'd like to do the Agter Kouga and also see the view from the radio towers near Clarkson on the R102. There was enough time to do this at a easy pace, which is how I like to ride. We left Uniondale through the poort and got on the R62 to Joubertina.

I've always known the loop through the Kouga around Joubertina as the Agter Kouga. When we got to the turn-off I saw there's a board that now calls it Onder Kouga. Somewhere on the road towards the first(Western) crossing of the Kouga. J-mo styling on the pegs.

The road is in good condition and it was again a great ride. The mountains are magnificant and makes you feel real small in the greater order of things.

Re-crossing the Kouga. I always regret when I finish this piece of road.

Coffee at Oude Bosch.

Some views from top of the mountain at the Clarkson tower. I'll further leave it to J-mo to wax lyrical about it.

To the North-west with the Krom in the back ground.

Towards St Frances.

That was it. We got home safely just before dark after a good ride. Thanks to my companions for again a great time. Its difficult to believe we only met for the first time  two weeks ago. Thanks also to the Du Preez' for their hospitality. As always its a hoot to kuier with them. I thought it better not to share all of the evenings doings as there may be sensitive viewers on the forum.

Now we wait for J-mo to add the real report.

J-mo, waar is jy ou maat? Ons wag vir jou. Jup, dankie vir die naweek. Ek het dit werklik geniet, nuwe mense leer ken en lekker koudgekry.  :thumleft:
Bie said:
J-mo, waar is jy ou maat? Ons wag vir jou. Jup, dankie vir die naweek. Ek het dit werklik geniet, nuwe mense leer ken en lekker koudgekry.  :thumleft:

Thanks Jupiter vir die "invite". Lekker om saam jou te ry. Se ook dankie ook vir Oom Gerhard en seuns vir die kuier op die plaas. Thanks Bie, weereens kan ons 'n "Dit was vrek lekker" stamp op hierdie naweek sit.

Jupiter, ek kan nie veel meer byvoeg by jou RR nie, maar sal so paar kiekies en video's opsit. Sal dit more vir julle pos.

Hier is solank 'n ietsie om aan te kou.

Oom Ellie (75 jaar oud) het ons so bietjie entertain. Dit gee julle 'n idee van die admosfeer Saterdag aand. Behalwe dat die koue het ons al van vroeg af begin vat het was die trip een van my gunstelinge.

Thanks man. Ek was juis spyt ek het nie 'n foto van Oom Eldrid met die kitaar gehad nie. Sy musiek maak was omtrent 'n treat.

Jy moet Sondag se Ride Report doen.
jupiter said:
Thanks man. Ek was juis spyt ek het nie 'n foto van Oom Eldrid met die kitaar gehad nie. Sy musiek maak was omtrent 'n treat.

Jy moet Sondag se Ride Report doen.

Dis nou 12:30 en eks nou moeg. Sal more verrder gaan. :thumleft:
Nice one Jupiter. Cold temperatures make a trip more memorable, it sharpens your senses.
Crab said:

Remember our ride to the Toring ? That first view from up there always stays in the memory.

That's also where you told me about Wilddogs and the rest is history.
DirtyHarry said:
Nice one Jupiter. Cold temperatures make a trip more memorable, it sharpens your senses.

Thanks Harry.

Bie and J-mo would not have realised it at the time, but another remarkable thing of this trip was that, down there in Nuwekloof when we had  coffee, I spoke again for the first time after three years about that first solo trip of mine and of the day I crossed the Kammanasie mountains with the fully loaded AT. I can only think that it was because I was with fellow Dogs who would understand, that I could share the experiences of that day. Maybe its time for that RR.

Thanks to the rest of the Dogs who have had the pleasure of sharing our trip so far.
Daai wereld hou nooit op om mens te betower nie. Altyd n' nuwe mooi wat mens voorheen nog nie raak gesien het nie.

Great RR  :thumleft:  :thumleft:  :thumleft:

Die oom met die kittar is legend  O0

Kan net dink hoe lekker die "petrol vir mense" moes afgaan met daai tipe tunes  :mwink:

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