Tankwa - it will take your sole

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Other than Oudam afdraai, and Ouberg, we checked everything off our list for Day 1.

Slept surprisingly well. ( I can thank the heat, riding and the beers for that)

The plan is to Have brekkie at The blue Moon which opens at 8. The general dealer across the road is open a little earlier, and we buy some water for the road and Superglue to try and rejoin Biesies soles with the rest of his boots.

Breakfast was had, once again, super tasty, with great service.

Back to our rooms for final packing. Biesie cobbles his boots back together, and we fill up before Heading to Fraserburg vie Die Rante Pad.

We hit the dirt just after the observatory entrance, and It’s a lot easier going than in the Tankwa. There are still some sections that will catch one out, but in general, not too bad.

We stop at the entrance of one of the farms, for some water, and to take in the scenery.

From here, the road is getting better and better, it was recently graded, and the surface is great. Finally, it’s starting to look a little more like Karoo dirt highway.

The temps, when we left Sutherland was already high, and it kept on climbing.

We make it to Fraserburg, and we drive around town, we drive past Biesies childhood home, the main strip and the highschool.

Just outside town, he lets me ride in front. I have Beaufort West via Oukloof programmed on the GPS and I follow the purple line.

The roads were great, smooth with gentle rollers, easy corners which meant we were cruising along nicely.

Here and there, still evidence of lots of water that came down here in the form of groundwater next to the road. If there was a dam on a farm, it had some water in it.

We start the Oukloof pass, but not before performing an exsolescism The superglue trick on Biesies boots did not hold, and we decided that perhaps it’s time to seperate sole from boot. I perform the surgery. All went well.

The landscape in the shape of the mountains starts to look familiar, like the ones that are visible in the distance while driving through the Karoo on the N1, except, I am actually riding through the mountains. The scenery takes my breath away.




Next to the fenceline of the National park, we encounter more high speed dirt, still every now and then, little drifts needs to be transversed with some caution.

All too soon, we stop at the N1.

This is where we part our ways. I’m going left towards Beaufort, Biesie turns to the right, back towards Paarl.

I thank him for showing me there awesome places, luckily my sunglasses hides my glistening eyes. Friendship over distance is not easy, and it feels like we are parting ways much too soon again.

I dislike the N1, quite a bit. More because of the drivers, who takes selfish chances because of impatience than any other reason.

I roll through Beaufort and decide to stop for lunch at 3 Sisters. The Steers burger and coke does not touch sides. I was hoping to do a bit of route planning and logistics in terms of arranging accommodation at the steers, but eskom had other ideas. Due to load shedding, there was no cell signal. Wifi is also not a priority for the restaurant, and tbh, unlike my children, I prefer food over wifi.

I deliberated much about my route back home, Initially I wanted to ride via loxton to Vanderkloof, but looking at our progress up to that point, I decided to rather slab it.

170kms later I turn off for a pomp.


This road has potholes with the ability to swallow bikes whole. Time to concentrate.

Seas of yellow flowers.



I roll through Phillipstown, the town in sad looking.

Dodge more potholes, and stop for Fuel in Petrusville.

I interrupt the conversations of the Petrol attendants wanting to fill up, they seem to think I may posess some superior knowledge, and I get roped in to try and answer their question.

The question: Meneer, weet U hoe paar Ystervarke? I laugh.. “ Baie versigtig” is my answer. They laugh but they are not satisfied with the answer.

While filling the tank, the conversation ensues, with lots of jokes and laughter.

I pay, thank them and ride off thinking I will have to research how the mating of porcupines happen…

Not long and I turn right towards Vanderkloof. I’m treated with the dam overflowing spectacularly….

I was slightly nervous, it’s late Sunday afternoon and the town is asleep. Everything is closed and I was getting worried If indeed I will find accommodation. The thought of carrying on to the next town and possibly Kimberly in the dark is not ideal.

I decided to treat myself to a night at The Waterfront Boutique Hotel. I stopped in front, and everything is closed. There is a EC vehicle parked in front, and I decide to see If I can raise anyone to book me in.

I rang reception bell, and shortly a friendly voice answers, I enquire about availability, and am assured I will be attended to shortly.

Anje opens the door for me, she is dressed smartly, and books me in in no time.

The accommodation is 5 star. I feel out of place with my dusty, dirty sweaty kit, and I rush to get out of it, once in my room.

The place has a splashpool and I cool of in there for a short while before hitting the shower.

The town as mentioned is closed, barring the little kaffee, where I buy a supper of Lays, Coke and. Lunch bar ( sorry cadbury’s)

I watch the sun set, and enjoy the solitude of being the only guest ,with the calming sounds of lapping water.

Sleep was erratic. All the little responsibilities waiting for me back home starts to overtake the feelings of elation and joy of the last couple of days of riding and spending time with friends.

Day 3 to follow.


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En ek vang nou eers die "...take your sole" in die titel

Na ek als tot sover gelees het toe "kop" ek daai tong in die kies een!! 😛
View attachment 811723

Bliksem maar dis mooi. Ek staan gewoonlik lank voor sulke rotse en staar net, en wonder, en probeer uitpluis in my kop hoe dit só opgeëindig het. Asemrowend.

En ek vang nou eers die "...take your sole" in die titel :LOL:
OomD, jy het hierdie foto perfek gesny om die viermanskap uit te wys heel onder.
1. Die ou met die toe oë en n moerse swelsel
2. Die ou met die uitgeholde oë
3. Rambo (nou 90 jaar oud)
4. Die ou wat sy valstande verloor het
Day 3 - The final day

Breakfast was arranged for 6:30 and I was hoping to hit the road shortly after 7, as I had a long days travel ahead.

I was awake at 4:30, as the thoughts of the realities waiting back in the big smoke made more prominent appearances in my head. Chilled in bed till 5:30, then started getting my crap organised.

It took me a long time to figure out the Nespresso machine in my room, like a lot longer than it should for a ‘76er.

Am I getting to the age where technology is starting to dumbfound me? Or was it the preconception that Nespresso is an abomination in the coffee realm?

Breakfast was served overlooking the dam, and what a way to start the day!

I lingered for another 5 minutes and got my crap onto the bike at 6:55. I bid the lovely Anje farewell, thanking her for being a great hostess.

I’m glad I filled up the day before, as the bustling metropolis of Vanderkloof showed no sign of movement at the local filling station.

Over the dam wall, stop for a photo and a little video ( which btw has issues uploading, I’ll see if I can string some sort of edit together and post on youtube. Later.)


I am enjoying the quiet Tar. I decided to head to Kimberly, where I will ride the N12 home. Although I seem to crave riding more dirt, I also do not want to get home too late.

I get a phonecall from the people at the office, and I had to sort out some admin for them to get access to the building. Luckily my long suffering wife takes over, and I proceed blissfully on my journey.

I stopped to take the call, and this little dude was going the same direction as me, on the road. I passes some cars and trucks a while before, and I made sure he/she (they?) got of the road.

The N12 war riding nicely, bit of a crosswind, that along with the Panniers with all my crap in, made for consumption I have not seen in a while. Nevertheless, part and parcel.

I took some photos as the Highveld is nice and green this time of the year.

One thing that I always take note of, is how the vegetation changes as one travels through different areas of the country.

This must be a salt pan. Which is later confirmed by a sign that says the same.

At Bloemhof I notice a lot of signs denoting pans, like rietpan, and ek kan nie onthou watter anner panne nie, maar daar was ‘n paar.

I enjoyed rolling through the towns in the N12, it breaks the monotony some, and its comforting to know one is close to “ civilisation “ as my youngest calls it.

The journey comes to an end, what feels like too soon, it’s been 4 days of non-stop riding my bike through some of the best parts of South Africa. I can fully understand how people can ride around the world, as life on the bike seems simple. ( although in my “ life” it’s not something that will ever be a reality, and I’m ok with that.)

I fulfilled riding bike in the Karoo, Clarence Drive, a whole bunch of mountain passes. I saw some friends, sadly did not have enough time to connect with all my mates in the Cape, for that I would needed an additional 2 to 3 days, one whole day would have been necessitated purely for recovery.

The buckets on my list are fewer, and I am mentally richer for it.

Thanks to Eisbein always willing to welcome me to his house, and sorting out my Logistics around Airports and Bike collection.

Thanks to Biesie, an awesome road captain. This man can squeeze a lot of riding into a day, and rightly so - that is what daylight is for.

Thank you for reading thus far, and for the nice comments up to this point.

edit: GPS stats


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Baie geluk met die mooi fiets! Awesome trip report. Ek het deur die Karoo getoer einde verlede jaar, Tankwa, Gannaga pas asook Ouberg pas ens, altyd n belewenis. Die Ouberg pas raak redelik steil naby die kruin, was n goeie besluit om om te draai.
Miles of smiles on your new steed -
enjoyed your trip report thoroughly - hopefully also do it sometime
Hier is 'n paar plekke in die Kaap waar jy altyd welkom is
En enige verskoning om tyd af te vat van die daily grind om 'n pel te help is 'n goeie een

Dankie vir die tyd om die RR te doen - dit was nou 'n lekker bietjie afleiding
Great ride!

I am almost certain that the place you turned around on was the worst of it. Although it's still quite a way to the top, that's the only point where the water coming off the mountain doesn't have drainage and has to use the road as a riverbed.

Also, the higher you go, the less water collected.

Still, riding to to ride another day is a great attitude to have.

How do I know about the pass and how it erodes in heavy weather?....


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