Ouberg Pass....

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Feb 27, 2022
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Honda CRF-1000L Africa Twin
Just returned from a four day solo trip which included going UP Ouberg pass on my Africa Twin.....damn, I was surprised at how difficult it is. The steep uphill sections with the rocks took me by surprise, thought it would be much easier. How does Ouberg pass compare to Sani?
both quite easy

Foei Dan, you forget Noraly conquering the most difficult pass in Africa hmm?
Sani is a baastid, almost impossible, gonads of steel required, so it's even more of a prestasie that Norally did that - hell, some parts even with the handbrake on (or was that another gal?)! 👌
They're both quite easy, unfortunately if you are on a heavy bike, this could make things worse.
Was just about to say. Did it twice in 4 weeks. First time up towards Sutherland, super easy. And this was just after the storms washing away the road. Did both Ouberg Passes in one day 2 weeks back. The one in Montague going down and then the other from Sutherland's side going down. Going down was way easier, took about a total of 2 or 3 minutes.
Sani is k@k, k@k lekka, Oubergpass is just another beautiful pass with nice scenery to the next destination. 👌

I see you ride a S10, I did both passes a few times with a S10 and pillion and I experienced Sani to be a tad steeper and you need to concentrate a little more here than on Ouberg, other than that the S10 is more than capable in doing both passes with relative ease.
Just returned from a four day solo trip which included going UP Ouberg pass on my Africa Twin.....damn, I was surprised at how difficult it is. The steep uphill sections with the rocks took me by surprise, thought it would be much easier. How does Ouberg pass compare to Sani?
I went there some ten years ago and I was about to take the top to bottom route but my bike was loaded with camping gear and when I stopped at the top of a downhill section, the bike slid forward even with full lock brakes from the steepness of the road, I am a little ashamed to say I bottled out and turned back to Sutherland, Hanno ex World of Accessories was with me and I guess disappointed I cut his ride short
Was just about to say. Did it twice in 4 weeks. First time up towards Sutherland, super easy. And this was just after the storms washing away the road. Did both Ouberg Passes in one day 2 weeks back. The one in Montague going down and then the other from Sutherland's side going down. Going down was way easier, took about a total of 2 or 3 minutes.
Then the third Ouberg pass in the WC would be easy peazy for you. Just a bit sandy going there from west to east.
@Roger39 Sani changes all the time, to my understanding and experience. Then again these factors apply to all dirt road passes.
Foei Dan, you forget Noraly conquering the most difficult pass in Africa hmm?
Sani is a baastid, almost impossible, gonads of steel required, so it's even more of a prestasie that Norally did that - hell, some parts even with the handbrake on (or was that another gal?)! 👌
Sani is what you make of it. I did it on my GS with a pillion. So where is the problem?
The road conditions of Sani are sometimes good, when just maintained and rough at times. You never know before you're not there. Depending on the weather conditions can change quickly. I managed to escort a visitor from Germany up the pass with his 1150 ADV and lots of luggage. Although..... - he dropped his bike twice, so I loaded half his luggage on my trusty old R80GS and that did the job :LOL:
I suppose it boils down to what is suggested when riding up the Carlislehoek Pass: Drive confidently :p

I never managed to get to the Ouberg pass, but the road seem to have deteriorated a lot since the heavy rains last year.
I did Sani for the 1st time in Dec on my Twin.. I was surprised. So many people have been going on about Sani for so many years that maybe I built up an expectation in my head but in the end I was surprised as to how easy it was.. you have to commit on one or2 of the switchbacks but its nothing too crazy. For me its about the same as Ouberg but the conditions change through the seasons.
I did Sani for the 1st time in Dec on my Twin.. I was surprised. So many people have been going on about Sani for so many years that maybe I built up an expectation in my head but in the end I was surprised as to how easy it was.. you have to commit on one or2 of the switchbacks but its nothing too crazy. For me its about the same as Ouberg but the conditions change through the seasons.
Out of curiosity how does it compare to Die Hel as an example when exiting?
The climb out of the Hel can become interesting when a vehicle comes towards you. 😬
Did it 2 September last year after the heavy storms and plenty of the road was damaged by rock slides etc. 2 and a half hours in, stopping plenty taking photos and chatting etc with traffic. The next morning out did it in 1 hour flat and also stopped for a few minutes to take photos and wait for other riders. One of the best experiences of my life!
Sani is relatively easy.... if taxis can do it then how difficult can it really be? I have ridden Sani in all sorts of conditions, last year Nov in pouring rain and even then was mild to ride! Snow and ice and an overly heavily laden bike are all that will make it a bit more challenging.

The views however are spectacular!
Out of curiosity how does it compare to Die Hel as an example when exiting?

Well, last time I wanted to do Die Hel which was around end of Dec time it was closed.. apparently impassable, so its hard to compare, also Die Hel is something like 20km long where Sani feels a lot shorter, I'm not sure how long Sani is but its quick to get up.
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