My favourite bike pix

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Bachelor Dog
Apr 15, 2012
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Nie van hier nie
Honda CRF 300L
This past weekend I was browsing the "Where has your bike taken you today" thread and the pix there made me really lus to do a longer trip again. I started looking through my own pix just for old times' sake and found a selection that – to me – epitomise why I ride.

I wanted to share them with you okes, in no particular order.

I'll place only 1 or 2 pix per post so it doesn't jam up the servers.

My XT660Z Teneré , along with my Africa Twin, is the bike that I miss the most. I have said it a number of times on this forum, but I should never have sold it. This pic was taken en route to Loxton.

Personally, this is what riding is all about. Out on a long dirt road tussen êrens en nêrens, stop, take a few pix, enjoy the scenery, the quiet, the nothing. Snack on some droë wors. Ponder what's over the furthest horizon.

Under a tree on my way to Victoria West.

Who hasn't lusted after an XR650L or R? If ever there was an iconic thumper adventure bike, this and the Yammie XT range must be it. I had many fantastic rides on mine. No multiday trips though. I enjoyed it while I had it but between the XR and the Teneré, I would have the latter back in a heartbeat.


While we are on the subject of bikes and cattle, here's my 800GS in the mielie triangle with some natneuse. I remember this ride because of all the little muggies that literally mugged me whenever I stopped or opened my visor when riding slower. I was pleased to get away from the Vaal river and those damn muggies.

What was that Lexington cigarettes saying: "After action, satisfaction." Nou ja, aan die einde van die dag moet ons kamp.

Alongside a mountain stream at Glen Reenen.


At Mahai Camp in the Royal Natal Drakensberg park.


At the Eastern Cape Bash.


And next to the Orange River at Kamkirri near Keimoes.
