(Non) Charging Issue.. Hilux

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Race Dog
Oct 25, 2019
Reaction score
London, New York, Paris, Camperdown.
Suzuki DR-Z 400
Not sure if a bakkie issue should go here:

So a strange (I think) thing with my beloved 2.7i 4x4 DC Hilux
Last week Friday afternoon, got in the bakkie, started as usual, no lazy start or indication, no battery light on.
Drove about 3ks, and she cut out, wouldn't start, lazy swing, then dead. Towed to the workshop, and alternator not charging.
Took out the alternator, and sent it to auto electrician, came back that he didn't have to do much, brushes and bearings.

To me, the strange thing is that there was no indication of a problem, no lazy start, no battery light. And then dead after only about 3ks of driving.
BTW, the alternator is an aftermarket, serviced about 3 years ago, before I bought the car.
I'm definitely going to install a voltmeter though, any recommendations? '99 IFS Hilux (408k ks)

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